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  1. rutvica

    duck foot problem

    Thank you all! Sorry about the confusion Amiga! Well, all of my visits to the vet ended up by me doing a DIY with essential oils in the end. I agree with you Candaloupe, as in us humans - viruses, bacteria and funghi like to attack when the conditions are good for them - dirty bedding, maybe...
  2. rutvica

    duck foot problem

    To clarify: I am not saying it is not bumble foot - maybe it can look like this in chickens. But i saw another post describing amiga cutting away at a sore like this and finding nothing under it (no puss, no hole...). So it...
  3. rutvica

    duck foot problem

    Thank you for a quick reaction! I did apply antibacterial ointment yesterday and today. I can not think of way to wrap her efficiently anyway :)) She is free ranging with other three runners all around the yard. I must say it really doesn't look like bumble foot. I have my experience with it on...
  4. rutvica

    duck foot problem

    Now that I look at your actually looks like a wart of some it would be a virus maybe? Any help appreciated :)
  5. rutvica

    duck foot problem

    Hi, could you please follow up on what happened with the foot? I noticed a limp on my runner duck and she has similar cracks on her feet - no cauliflower like growth, just cracks. I applied antibacterial ointment a few times but does not seem to help :/
  6. rutvica

    first time broody hen hatching + ducks + pheasant orphans - advice needed

    Well, since nobody else has any thoughts, I am going to update :) The pheasant chick is safely nested under his new mama hen, two ducklings have hatched and are happily bouncing around and another one has his beak out of the shell. The pheasant egg is under the hen and still whole, as are all...
  7. rutvica

    first time broody hen hatching + ducks + pheasant orphans - advice needed

    Hi everyone! I have a broody hen sitting on 10 eggs + 4 duck eggs and they are due tommorow. We had 2 cracked eggs, but sealed them with wax and hoping for the best. The question: I have another three hens sitting on eggs - at one point the broodines spread like the disease and everyone...
  8. rutvica

    10 day old chick twitching, lethargic

    Well, I am happy to say that he might be better. He slept over in our bed for a night, protesting and squeezing up against us whenever we would move, and in the morning he started eating and drinking again, so we put him back wit h the others. For a day he was still a bit slower, but today he is...
  9. rutvica

    10 day old chick twitching, lethargic

    so...still just holding it in my hand... with no idea what to do with him If I put him with the others, he just shivers in one spot, if I put him in a separate box he cries out. in my hand he sleeps, he drank some water from my finger and that's it for now...
  10. rutvica

    10 day old chick twitching, lethargic

    I found one of my little australorps laying on the floor of the brooder...he looks tottaly healthy, nothing suspicious on his legs, beak, eyes, under wing... nothing, but when I put him down he does not run, but moves around with his wings spread out and then he lays on the floor while other...
  11. rutvica

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Just popped in to see I am not the only one who is inpatient for that first egg. First time raising chickens, they're 5 months old today... I am so afraid that they will lay their first eggs only in the spring, since the days are getting shorter and darker...argh
  12. rutvica

    newbie looking for identification help and advice

    Hey Phill98, I almost missed your post inbetween all the photos I almos forgot to mention, in the meantime I went to the market and came home with 4 "italians", then a month and a half old. They made their own little flock, the older ones were shunning them so they set up in one nesting box. I...
  13. rutvica

    newbie looking for identification help and advice

    And now the chikens. I thought I knew the boys from the girls, but I am not sure again, so comments welcome *this is mijo, the guy of the group. He was developing as expected, until a month ago, when the other chicken outgrew him and became dominant and he just withdraw...he was even spending...
  14. rutvica

    newbie looking for identification help and advice

    ...I just add more stuff and that's it So here is the coop, it is made from the leftover wood from our old roof, so it is definitely not fancy *everything is repurposed, there is a window on the door that is closed here *we did 30 cm deep cement blocks foundations around and there is...
  15. rutvica

    newbie looking for identification help and advice

    Hi! Since yesterday night the chicks are in their new coop, it took us a really long time to build it because we were all the time being pulled away to other, more urgent chores. I will post some pics when I get my camera back... Of course, I have another question :) I've read here that I should...
  16. rutvica

    newbie looking for identification help and advice

    tjo804, thank you for your nice words :)
  17. rutvica

    newbie looking for identification help and advice

    Hi Phill98, I am in Vukomerić :) It will be really lucky if it turns out to be true (that Mijo is the only guy), but I noticed today that mišo's crest has started to grow...still not pink though :) We'll see... We are still building our coop, totally improvising since it is on a slope and we...
  18. rutvica

    newbie looking for identification help and advice

    Thank you for your answers, I think it really could be a mix with plymouth rock and I am glad to read that they are hardy. The lighter ones are the most docile and the slowest to react, which is how I imagine industrial hybrids to be (I don't know much, so I have prejudice :), so it might be a...
  19. rutvica

    greetings from croatia

    thank you for your welcome :)
  20. rutvica

    newbie looking for identification help and advice

    I just realised there is a section called "What Breed Or Gender is This?" and I really should've posted this thread there... sorry, should've looked around better. can a moderator move this whole thread there? or should I start a new one? or should I be asking this the moderator directly? or...
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