duck foot problem


Jan 29, 2016
Hi, We noticed today that one of our ducks (welsh harlequin) has a limp. We caught her and, noticed cauliflower-like growths on the "heels" of both feet, one worse than the other, and also on the tips of her long toe. The limping leg had a mark halfway u on of the outer toes. We did some inconclusive online research, gave her an epsom salt foot bath, applied a little lavender oil, gave her some feed with nutritional yeast mixed in (not something we've been doing regularly)and let her back out with the flock. I don't know that it's bumble foot b/c the spots were cauliflower/wart looking and not smooth with an infected looking spot. Could be biotin deficiency? any thoughts?
Something's going on. It may be early bumblefoot.

Soaking the feet in Epsom salt solution can help (it is a laxative don't let her drink it).

A dab of triple antibiotic without painkiller can help,

Or, after soaking, just a drop or two of clear - clear - clear not brown - iodine, then wait several days. If a black scab forms, soak the foot for half an hour or so (let her swim or float in a tub), then see if the scab with come of with gentle pulling. If not, another drop or two of clear iodine, wait several more days. This method has worked for a number of people.
Hi, We noticed today that one of our ducks (welsh harlequin) has a limp. We caught her and, noticed cauliflower-like growths on the "heels" of both feet, one worse than the other, and also on the tips of her long toe. The limping leg had a mark halfway u on of the outer toes. We did some inconclusive online research, gave her an epsom salt foot bath, applied a little lavender oil, gave her some feed with nutritional yeast mixed in (not something we've been doing regularly)and let her back out with the flock. I don't know that it's bumble foot b/c the spots were cauliflower/wart looking and not smooth with an infected looking spot. Could be biotin deficiency? any thoughts?

Hi, could you please follow up on what happened with the foot? I noticed a limp on my runner duck and she has similar cracks on her feet - no cauliflower like growth, just cracks. I applied antibacterial ointment a few times but does not seem to help :/
Now that I look at your actually looks like a wart of some it would be a virus maybe? Any help appreciated :)
Hi, We noticed today that one of our ducks (welsh harlequin) has a limp. We caught her and, noticed cauliflower-like growths on the "heels" of both feet, one worse than the other, and also on the tips of her long toe. The limping leg had a mark halfway u on of the outer toes. We did some inconclusive online research, gave her an epsom salt foot bath, applied a little lavender oil, gave her some feed with nutritional yeast mixed in (not something we've been doing regularly)and let her back out with the flock. I don't know that it's bumble foot b/c the spots were cauliflower/wart looking and not smooth with an infected looking spot. Could be biotin deficiency? any thoughts?
looks like bumble foot with that dark sore. If u can't get vetericin at a store get it from the company. It works just make sure you rub it in real good and let it dry hold her until it dries .I'm not big on wrapping.your just gonna apply it everyday the duck lady
Thank you for a quick reaction!
I did apply antibacterial ointment yesterday and today. I can not think of way to wrap her efficiently anyway :)) She is free ranging with other three runners all around the yard.
I must say it really doesn't look like bumble foot. I have my experience with it on chicken feet, operated successfully and all, and it does not look like pictures of duck bumble foot I saw.
Here are my ducklings feet:

That said, i think I will disinfect it (iodine, H2O2, silver...) and apply an ointment that is antibacterial and antiviral. Luckily there are essential oils that are antiviral and antibacterial at the same time, so I ill make another ointment using coconut oil as a base.

Vetericin is as far as I can see chlorine based dissinfectant? It seems from what I can see on their page (english not being my first language) it acts similar as H2O2, which I have at home. So I hope it would be a good substitution?
Hi there, glad to follow up. After it not getting any better with daily Epsom salt foot soaks, goldenseal and propolis applications we found a vet who sees ducks. She picked hard at the big spot and pulled off the top layer to reveal infection. She really picked at it hard though, i wouldnt have known to do that. We didend up gicing her oral antibiotics from the vet and it healed but then 2 other ducks developed a limp and cracks on their feet. We didn't want to put so many girls on antibiotics and also it seemed odd to have so many foot problems so we gave the coop a serious mucking and kept all bedding really fresh and also isolated those two for a week or so so they wouldn't try to keep up with the flock and could rest their feet. We gave these girls daily epsom.salt soaks and weren't afarid to pick at the spots once they were softer from soaking to really open up.the area and apply the propolis and goldenseal to the infected part. They healed up in a week or so. i think the very clean coop and the resting of the feet had the biggest influence.
To clarify: I am not saying it is not bumble foot - maybe it can look like this in chickens. But i saw another post describing amiga cutting away at a sore like this and finding nothing under it (no puss, no hole...).
So it seams to be a different thing...
Hi, @rutvica - that was not me cutting at a sore, actually. I wanted to mention this because I haven't had occasion to do any real surgery with our ducks, so I would not be able to speak from experience with cutting. I did post on that thread, though, sharing the soak-and-clear-iodine method, and mentioning that sometimes infections are fungal rather than bacterial.

And there are times it's not easy to distinguish exactly what we are dealing with when we see something unusual about a ducky foot.
Thank you all!
Sorry about the confusion Amiga!
Well, all of my visits to the vet ended up by me doing a DIY with essential oils in the end. I agree with you Candaloupe, as in us humans - viruses, bacteria and funghi like to attack when the conditions are good for them - dirty bedding, maybe skin already cracked from the terrain or not enough water-time, bad condition of immunity system and so on.
My ducks are living with my chickens. They are free ranging through the day and sleep together at night. In the coop we do a deep bedding - composting method and it is not dirty or wet, doesn't smell or anything like that.
Don't laugh but I think it might be stress related immune system fail, and the virus, or whatever just took advantage of a good oportunity :) We have lots of still small chicks and we have been under daily predator attacks. One of them took the only other a week or so ago and she was quite lonely. She gets on well with chickens, but it's not the same, you know :) A few days ago we got her three new duck friends and they all seem happy.
The infections on my ducks feet look like they are still small - there is no swelling and all in all she seems fine.
I will try to do the disinfection and anti bacter viral ointment, together with garlic and vinegar in water.
If it gets worse, of to the vet I go...

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