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  1. jaslyman

    Chick mostly hatched but shell stuck to its back... what do we do?

    Thank you - the humidity has been REALLY high in the past 24 hours... around 90%, and that's with me trying to remove most of the sitting water in the external reservoir. I assume that high humidity is a natural result of all the eggs hatching but I was curious if was possibly causing problems.
  2. jaslyman

    Chick mostly hatched but shell stuck to its back... what do we do?

    thank you! as you can see in the photo, we have another that's mostly unzipped and will hopefully hatch this AM. Should we wait that out a bit before opening the incubator to wet the shell, or go ahead and deal with it now, do you think?
  3. jaslyman

    Chick mostly hatched but shell stuck to its back... what do we do?

    to add some additional information... the unzipping started yesterday mid-afternoon, about 18 hours ago
  4. jaslyman

    Chick mostly hatched but shell stuck to its back... what do we do?

    Good morning. We are hatching chicks for the very first time. Of our batch of 5, 2 are out and looking good. One is mostly out, but has a large section of shell stuck to her(?) back. With stimulus (light) she exhibits bursts of energy (cheeps, kicking legs), but is otherwise still with eyes...
  5. jaslyman

    can i trust the chicks to find the best way to use the MHP?

    Great info - thank you! This AM when I checked on them, they were back on top again, so I think I need to quit worrying about them and let them figure it out on their own!
  6. jaslyman

    can i trust the chicks to find the best way to use the MHP?

    Thanks for the reply. The front height is probably 4-5" or so. My heating pad only has low/med/high and it's on high. But a thermometer I've got underneath it only stays around 60 or so, so I don't think it's too hot....
  7. jaslyman

    can i trust the chicks to find the best way to use the MHP?

    Hi all! We have six four-week old chicks, who moved into our unheated garage a week ago from the inside of our house. They've been using the MHP their whole lives... but when they moved to the garage, it's a different brooder with a different setup for the heating pad. Somewhere in my prior...
  8. jaslyman

    Chicken Roosts - Shapes, Sizes, and Placement

    Well then! I'm a newbie, but this is consistent with things I've read all over the internet. I'm putting the finishing touches on my coop, but am thinking about running a little experiment - one good size, dowel, one 2x2, and one 2x4, and we'll see which one gets fought over!
  9. jaslyman

    15 new "ornamental layers"... what are they?

    Now that they are three weeks old, some updated pictures to see if anyone wants to hazard more guesses! We are particularly curious about the one with the yellow-ish head and beautiful white&black feathers.
  10. jaslyman

    What should I do for my brooder floor?

    Quote: very cool! So now I'm going to have to ask you about how you framed your run. Below is the existing shed that I'm going to use to convert to a coop (half of the inside will be the coop), then I will frame in half of the outside area under the roof to use as the run. Trying to figure...
  11. jaslyman

    What should I do for my brooder floor?

    Thanks - I will definitely check out the whitewash approach! So for your shavings, do you just scoop out the poop, or replace it all on a regular basis? Or both?
  12. jaslyman

    What should I do for my brooder floor?

    That is certainly possible! Even if I wanted to, I couldn't move them out to their lifetime home yet... it's still under construction and there's no power out there for a heat source. So they'll be here for another few weeks while I get their coop and run ready to go. But hopefully this 3'x6'...
  13. jaslyman

    What should I do for my brooder floor?

    We'll be moving our week old chicks out to the garage brooder this weekend, and I'm still debating what to do in terms of floor/bedding. For the MHP "holder", I thought I would use pine shavings - just seems more comfortable than other options! For the rest, I've thought about sand/PDZ, pine...
  14. jaslyman

    What age to the coop?

    Yep - actively following that thread, thank you. I didn't mean to imply I was using the heating pad to heat the whole brooder, just that there might be some 'spillover' heat into the rest of the area - not that I would rely on it.
  15. jaslyman

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Can I ask, respectfully, where these numbers come from? They are significantly higher than what I've read in the multiple books stacked on my kitchen table! With those requirements, my 15 chickens would need 60 square feet of space before they go out to the coop, which there is no way I can...
  16. jaslyman

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    I'm no expert, but we received 15 chicks from McMurray's 8 days ago, and they have been in a 45g rubbermaid tote (probably about half the area of your nursery coop) and they've pretty much outgrown it - but I was happy to have them inside for this long. This weekend they go to our bigger...
  17. jaslyman

    15 new "ornamental layers"... what are they?

    Is there any special care that we need to give those?
  18. jaslyman

    15 new "ornamental layers"... what are they?

    cool, thanks for taking the time to look and let me know what you think!
  19. jaslyman

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    ...cut the tape off and I think they are both fine. But it was a scare. We are moving our chicks (now a week old) out to the garage this weekend, and I'm trying to rustle up a used baby monitor to put in there so we can hear if there's a problem. (Well, I think *I* may have the problem, ha!)
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