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  1. T

    Is she broody?

    It's been a pretty interesting day today. I went out to check on everybody, and may 30 week old chukars were all dead, and I looked in a chicken nesting box and found a hen not wanting to get out of it. I went to get all the eggs I had been saving to either try to get a hen to go broody, or...
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    What is the science behind this?

    I have hatched out a couple of batches of quail (just 3), and I always end up getting way to many males. (80% m average) . The first batch I got 3 to hatch and got 2 m and 1 f, then the next I got 8 m and 2 f, and now this hatch i got 12 m and 5 f. Why does this keep happening?
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    How to tell gender of Rosetta quail

    Been a while on here, but I hatched out 19 more quail. they are now 8 weeks, and I have been trying to sex them. I tried the "foam method, which I have succesfully done before, but now, no. I have heard them crow too. Any help?
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    How long can 3 week old chickens go without food.

    I have 11 3 week old silkies and I ran out of food (I filled the feeder to the rim) but when I got home, it was out. I let them outside to forage a bit. They ate 10-15 cicadas, grass, and dandelions. It has been around 20 hours without crumble. I have been giving them grass, insects, and all...
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    where to buy squabbing pigeons at a reasonable price

    I am building a second pigeon loft (already have one for tipplers), and I want to put runt or utility king pigeons in it. Where can I buy them for a reasonable price, like, less than $60 per? I checked my local craigslist, but only ferals.
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    what to feed pigeons

    I have been feeding my pigeons scratch grains for as long as I had them (just five months), I only got 1 clutch of eggs. They do have grass, dandelions, and many other naturally growing greens in the aviary and every once in a while I will throw the 30% protein in their mixed with the scratch...
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    the button quail thread

    I got button quail at an auction about 2 months ago and didn't expect much. I got kind of annoyed after a week or two because they were skittish, escape artists (started with seven now five, they got out then chilled), and took longer to mature than expected. I got chicks and couldn't tell their...
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    how to make gamebird feed

    I was wondering how I could make 30% protein feed out of an assortment of... well, anything I can find. The feed costs in our local tsc just went up to $28 a 40 pound bag which is taking a toll on even my small flock of about 40 birds. My uncle owns a dairy farm and he grows his own crops. He...
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    feeding store bought chicken egg shells to quail

    Can I feed chicken eggshells to quail? They will be from the store since other than quail which are inconsistently laying, have no other fully mature birds. Is this okay. if so, how will I do it. can I just crack them and give them the whole shell right away, or special treatment. Any info is...
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    saddles for quail... them from has his quail keep the day-olds warm in his cages and it works out fine for him. So I through ten quail in their... All of them got r*ped. Even the males. I took one of the males out which is more aggressive and it is working better, but not perfect. So I was wondering if the...
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    when to start giving chicks chick grit

    I have 6-day old silkies and was planning on giving them crickets Friday. They have chick grit right now. is this alright?
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    can gamebirds live together?

    I have chukar and was planning on hatching pheasants and a variety of quail (bobwhite, California, etc.) can they live in the same flight pen?
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    need advice on salmonella pullorum testing

    I am testing my one and only chicken who is in a brooder shed with 40+ other chicks(not in the same bin). I need to know where I can get a 50-100 test bottle and just how to do it. she was very sickly and had white diarhea 4 weeks ago.
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    pigeon not laying egg after mated

    I have 3 tippler pigeons. One of which couldn't fly but that problem is fixed now. 2 females and 1 male. I witnessed my two pigeons breeding around 10 days ago. I thought they laid 8 days after breeding. Will they still lay?
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    salmonella pullorum survivor

    I had a hatch 2 1/2 months ago with a mix of quail and chickens. I only had two chicken eggs and 1 hatched. 2 weeks later its eyes crested up and it had white diarrhea. Every other local chicken keeper said it was salmonella pullorum and that it wouldn't survive. Spoiler alert! it survived. It...
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    helped chick hatch... just wondering

    I hatched silkies and this morning I noticed two that have been pipped for 2-3 days. I peeled back a little shell and noticed they were severely shrink-wrapped. The membrane was almost as thick as goose skin. I helped them both out. Is it possible they will survive? I am usually against helping...
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    broody hen question

    not sure if this is the right forum to post his, but will chickens raised by broodies go broody?
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    coturnix quail rooster complications and confusion with fighting

    I have 3 adult quail and 10 young quail, all of which I hatched. For the adult quail, I have 2 males and 1 female. At five weeks, one male ripped the skin off the other male's head. I could literally see him thinking. They are separated now and I keep the female with the male that got up. He is...
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    Do all silkies have five toes?

    I hatched out a mix of eggs from a couple of different people. The one person gave me silkie eggs, another one sexlinks, Plymouth rocks, and barred rocks. The silkies were the only ones I actually asked anybody for but I felt bad turning down an offer. Not planning on getting rid of the chicks...
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    LG incubator Mold?

    i was reading about modding LG incubators (i have an LG9200) and one gave the suggestion to cut the bottom out and use a plastic gqf reservoir because the little giant will mold. Another one said line the bottom with paper towels and just use jars for humidity for the same reason. Will they...
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