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  1. TeamChaos

    Can I float test eggs if I don't know when due?

    I have some goose eggs that no one remembers exactly when they went in the incubator. Candling does not help us determine much of anything. Can I do the float/wiggle test of they are close to hatch but not necessarily overdue? Thanks
  2. TeamChaos

    First time hatching coturnix- can you help me please

    We only had one hatch overall but upon looking in to the non viable eggs, they had quit at various stages prior to being fully developed.
  3. TeamChaos

    Do goslings talk in the egg?

    This is my first potential goose hatch. I see some movement in there and I'm wondering if they will talk when they are ready to hatch out. Thanks.
  4. TeamChaos

    First time hatching coturnix- can you help me please

    Today is day 17 and one baby hatched this morning. No one else has pipped. Is there any chance we'll have any other chicks show up? Thank You.
  5. TeamChaos

    I was given two quail, I know nothing about them.

    Hello! I was given two quail- it looks like a male scaled quail and a female snowflake. I have put them in a covered wire cage that is wider and longer than it is high and I'm trying to learn about these little ones. My first question- can the two different breeds be safely kept together? Thanks...
  6. TeamChaos

    Incubator set at 90, any chance of a hatch?

    Hi there, my daughter set some of her banty eggs and I didn't double check the thermometer until Monday (when the eggs were due to hatch and there was no action). Unfortunately she was reading the wrong line and instead of being at 99, the temp was holding steady at 90. Is there any chance the...
  7. TeamChaos

    Kombucha scoby for the girls?

    I know this is an old thread, but I'm wondering if I were to add some kombucha to the ladies' waterers while it's hot out if it would cut down on the amount of slime that develops in a day. Anyone have experience with that? Thanks.
  8. TeamChaos

    looking for a fermented feed recipe that uses wheat middlings

    Any insight is appreciated. Thanks!
  9. TeamChaos

    Something attacked guinea- left wings behind

    Ideas of what would pick a guinea off a barn rafter and leave a pile of feathers and the wings and beak behind? Thanks for any insight. Incidentally, the birds have safely roosted in the barn for almost 3 years!
  10. TeamChaos

    Bought "ayam cemani" eggs... but I don't think that's what I got....

    You're right ronnott1, that's what eBay told my husband about removing the negative feedback... even though the seller wasn't technically "right", the seller just found a loophole in their buyer protection. UGH.
  11. TeamChaos

    Bought "ayam cemani" eggs... but I don't think that's what I got....

    Oh Gloryblue, I'm sorry you got scammed too :( I hope Scammy is at least a friendly bird. I've talked to a few people on Facebook who got ripped off by this person and I think there are a few more people here on BYC. How can we get everyone to contact eBay NOW about removing Bobfarm14 as a seller?
  12. TeamChaos

    The American Cemani Breeders forum

    My husband is having that SAME FIGHT with eBay right now because, as he sees it, eBay is just as guilty of scamming because they don't back the guarantee that appears on the auction page and the allow the seller to control all the feedback. Might be worth emailing them just so there's more than...
  13. TeamChaos

    The American Cemani Breeders forum

    So sorry to hear there are more scams running out there... Imagine my surprise when bobfarm referred me to the ayam cemani thread here on BYC to try to justify why s/he calls the chipmunk babies the "wild type" but never responded when I pointed out that later in the thread a post spells out...
  14. TeamChaos

    Bought "ayam cemani" eggs... but I don't think that's what I got....

    Thank you LofMc- unfortunately eBay has made their decision and they side with the seller. I provided all of the evidence you mentioned and then some, including the fact that the seller edits their feedback so they only have positive comments but to no avail. Paypal accepts ebay's decision...
  15. TeamChaos

    Bought "ayam cemani" eggs... but I don't think that's what I got....

    ...The seller tried to tell me that the chipmunks are recessive "wild type" but in truth I suspect they are partridge leghorn crosses. Ebay customer service understood my frustration with the situation but they will not refund the money because live animals can't be returned. *shrug* live and learn.
  16. TeamChaos

    The American Cemani Breeders forum

    Wow Pyxis, thank you so much for that link!
  17. TeamChaos

    The American Cemani Breeders forum

    Hey there, that's exactly what our awesome extension agent said. He said (if I remember correctly) that the seller probably has a cemani male and breeds to partridge leghorns- you'd get some all black babies in various generations and then the chipmunks... and you'd get a lot more eggs than if...
  18. TeamChaos

    The American Cemani Breeders forum

    Oh bummer. My husband bought them to surprise me for my birthday, don't know if he even considered that there would be egg scammers out there. Oh well, they are cuties anyway... really, really expensive cuties :P I'm assuming there is no legal action we can take w/ eBay to get our money back, it...
  19. TeamChaos

    The American Cemani Breeders forum

    I think there are two all black, one black with a white belly and the rest are chipmunks. The eBay seller replied to me: Dear *bat-girl*, Sounds like wild types. Stripes are wild types. The wild type is the original color form of Cemani. They are recessive so if you breed them back to black...
  20. TeamChaos

    The American Cemani Breeders forum

    Chotii- they were sold on eBay as ayam cemani.
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