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  1. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    That should definitely be a release only one at a time until they are acclimated to the situation. Guineas are a flock bird and do best in large groups. I never recommend having fewer than ten so they can have proper flock dynamics. No, a bunch of chickens does not satisfy the guineas' need...
  2. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I would keep them cooped for another week before starting to release them one at a time. As long as some are still penned the released ones should not go far and should return to them. I only fed and watered mine in the coop so they learned quickly where to go when hungry or thirsty.
  3. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Are they new adults you bought or are they brooder raised keets that you raised?
  4. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    The person you replied to hasn't been on BYC since Nov. 8 , 2015.
  5. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Since you just moved them I would wait a couple of weeks before letting any out. When I did my new group, I let them all out while I stayed and watched them and then herded them in when I needed to do something else. When I was adding more later, I would pen them separate from the others in...
  6. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    You can learn a lot about guineas from reading the early years of this thread and paying particular attention to posts made by @PeepsCA.
  7. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    There is a lot of bad information on the Internet. Guineas aren't creatures of the woods. They will stick around if you feed, water and provide a safe coop for them at night. It is another misconception that guineas will protect other poultry since they aren't that good about protecting...
  8. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    The best thing you can do is to keep the guineas and chickens separately. Imprinting removes the guineas ability to understand that chicken are not guineas. When that happens, the guineas treat the chickens the same way they would treat each other. Guineas have entirely different instincts...
  9. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Probably a different light color. If the center stripe is solid, they will be fully dotted. If it is squiggly lines instead of a solid stripe, they will be partially dotted.
  10. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Don't keep them with the chickens. Partially feathered should be okay with 85°F measured at the bedding level. If they are on wood chips, they need to have appropriately sized grit available. They can and will eat the shavings but cannot digest them without grit in their system. Read the...
  11. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    With a few detours.
  12. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Guineas are a flock bird. To have good flock dynamics there needs to be enough of them for proper interaction and to help prevent a single one from constantly being picked on. Guineas especially the keets need to be dry. Ducks don't tend to provide a dry environment. People that haven't had...
  13. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I never recommend fewer than 10 although some seem to be able to do okay with 6. I do not recommend housing guineas with ant birds that are not guineas.
  14. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I don't recommend having just a couple of guineas. They are a flock bird and do best in large groups of their own kind.
  15. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101
  16. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I would rather deal with the snow.
  17. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    They weren't happy. The snow completely buried their nest. Poor things had to lay their eggs in the coop.
  18. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    My two month old that had never seen snow before is doing fine. As long as they are fully feathered and have been acclimated to the ambient temperature, I don't worry about it. It does help to have a draft free place for the night for them. Guineas in the background from Tuesday.
  19. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Cold stuff isn't coming early. It is already here. My garden is done after 28°F this morning that followed 4 3/8" of snow blanketing it Monday night.
  20. R2elk

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    The lysine and methionine levels are also lower. If one can't find a proper grower (usually about 24% protein), a high quality chick starter can be substituted.
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