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  1. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food Many Organic certified seeds at the same or lower price then GMO seeds Enjoy
  2. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Can you all Just go look and see How many Organic foods are out there Killing people and animals ? So go read something get educated Now go look at how many people are dead from GMO better yet look at how many Agent Orange cancer victums Monsantos Made
  3. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Jak i do not wear makeup ,the list of Clothing tissue excetra is NON food Items and I do not eat them. I can not have salt or sugar Peppers can be grown and i do not like Black pepper I actually have Banana trees , Citrus trees and so on growing here in oregon out side i have the luck of...
  4. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Jak , I do not care if you nock organic I just want the people who work for monsantos to suffer as others are and will You can change my words around like Most people with your Brain waves can. I think between us i bet out of your whole family my iq will top them all combind. I have worked in...
  5. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    No Like i said we have a Family ranch 3000 acres all organic W make our own flour . And no i am not amish Certified Organic seeds are seeds simply marked Natural are Not Organic Neither is your food Cant have salt or sugar so no i do not cook with it any other Questions Oh and i...
  6. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    De Diatamatious earth i know it well i have it in my coop in a bread sack bag so the girls can dust themselves as they wish . Pumpkin as a wormer If people only realised the ingreedience in most the pills they buy they would smack their foreheads.
  7. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Where do you find this Expensive Organic food when with GMO's you ahve Dr bills ontop of the Grocery list . There are Places you pay 20 bucks a month and are allowed 100 pounds of organic veggies a month .send me a message on your state only and i will be happy to help People should not have...
  8. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    We in my family learned 17 dead from agent Orange And children have it as well. grand kids also but hey you know it may of killed the pelicans but lets just Spray it on the people,. I hope someone has learned for all this . They may be bullys but i am the only daughter of a Green Beret who...
  9. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    here this one will help those who want toget off GMO's learn
  10. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food
  11. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    HEY BEAR FOOT . Since you took on a Copy Writed Name for a Organic Certified Farm in MI . DO oyu think being Sued will be an issue ?There name is Patented and A BUISNESS ITS against the law for you to Use the Name even if you just sell Dogs and goats with out their Permission Bear-Foot...
  12. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Question for those Sceptics If Gmo's are safe Why is it that the UK banned them and Many other coutrys too ? America and A small few of the starving countries allow them. But after all Monsantos has been Planting Crops that have not been Oked By the FDA and have Illegally shipped Known...
  13. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    I also will say You are what you eat Since my food has no chemicals in it and only compost and Manure are used to grow our Veggies Yo ucan call me a little ****
  14. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food Bad for you but as long as i am alive i will fight to be healthy im 42 was diagnosed with ag cancer when i was 7 so i think i am doing pretty **** good. Eating what i grow with out the chemicals and we also have family in every state with hige crops of wheat,rye and Tabacco Many of my...
  15. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    When i take friends to a Resteraunt we go to the Alphabits in Mapleton Oregon . they grow certified Organic and have over 300 acres and animals too. Its awesome what I can not grow i get there. I also Catch my own Crab but since the BP oil spill and all those Chemicals I quite . My brother is...
  16. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    WHAT ? LMAO the food you may eat may have chemicals . I for one can not eat anything i do not grow i have learned to Not eat the Bad foods the stores sell. Jak read up on GMO please its something you will be thankful for in the long run.
  17. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    MrCush hes a troll trying to get people to not believe in the truth Id Brush him off like my shoulders this person has no back bone and does nto seem to have proof himself Like i said If he is working for monsantos i truly hope he lives a LONG life to see those he loves suffer for what he is...
  18. Tammy N

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    I belong to a banana group Everyone there is a virus everytime i open some private messages i get my anti popping up Snap do is a hacking wormy trogen virus that looks like a browser helper it is not so please check your computors many antis have not or can not detect it yet...
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