Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

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Tammy N

12 Years
Oct 9, 2011
Florence Oregon
Hi all i hae a BIG concern with GMOS and i just want to share this with Everyone. Look at your pet food does it contain GMO ? Look at your human Grociery lists are there any GMO foods on it ? If you do not know look up GMO foods . My concern for everyone including our Pets is Our lifes. Planning on having a baby? A litter ? Check out Gmo Birthdefects. I Switched to Fromm pet food after My Cats started getting sick on Royal Canin over a yr ago THANK GOD. they do not use GMO foods in their food Now look up GMO birth Defects and Click Images. GOOD LUCK ALL.

Look it up Its important to us all

Cost effective Well the cost to us could be greater then the cost for bettering our animals lifes by staying away from GMO foods.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of GMO products either. Hopefully one day, if for nothing but food mostly.. I can go all natural/self-sufficient.

I already have a lot of fruit trees (and planning to increase the collection), got some vegetables too.. Chickens for meat/eggs (I fish a fair amount too, and hunt), and I really want a La Mancha goat for milk/cheese.

God bless,
I don't think there's anything inherently bad about GMO- it's just the natural extension of mankind's mastery of agriculture. Unfortunately, the way it is being used today is ethically unsound. The herbicide resistance that many plant species are developing will come back to bite us in a big way, all so that our tomatoes can be a few cents cheaper today. Not to mention the firms that sue farmers over the natural propagation of their crops.

Somewhere along the way our food production has gone from small and localized to a massive industrial business. And I've never trusted a business with my personal welfare.

I'd be interested in hearing of some more organic chicken feed solutions that are still cost-effective. Free-ranging can only cover so much of their daily diet. Right now I am content with the knowledge that my meat and eggs are the product of affection and humane treatment, rather than antibiotics and efficiency studies. Escaping GMO in today's market would probably require growing my own grains or paying a small fortune in upkeep.
Look up Gmo Birth defects as well as Gmo cancers and Ready round up seeds .
Its effecting everything . including my right for the food i eat.

I already have been posioned by monsantos when i was a Baby Called Agent Orange .
Now they have GMO ?

its pretty sad i eat organic because thats what i Have to eat. I cant even clean with bleach because it effects me .

Yeah im scared .
GMO means "genetically modified organism." Eating something that has been genetically modified does NOT cause either cancer or birth defects. For once, I would like to read a rational analysis of the situation; anything you can find by googling "GMO birth defects" or "GMO cancers" is going to be a lot of hysterical fearmongering intended to do exactly what it has done to the OP, reduce you to a state of abject terror. The authors of such drivel are not trying to inform you, they are trying to scare you. It's sensationalist nonsense, written by someone with their own agenda and based on the very shakiest imitation of science if not outright fabrication.

In the court of public opinion, you don't have to provide hard facts; speculation and innuendo get picked up and waved around as though they actually mean something. People with no knowledge repeat what they've heard, and the story grows. Glyphosate has been in use for 40 years. It was introduced shortly after DDT was banned; there were many hoops that a manufacturer had to jump through to demonstrate that any product was effective and would also have no lasting environmental effects. Tests were done where animals were continuously exposed to various levels of the product for 2 and 3 generations, and no signs of genetic changes were noted.

Am I saying that glyphosate is 100% safe? Of course not - I haven't done the experiments myself, and I know that the scientific method doesn't work in absolutes. But if product label directions have been followed, there shouldn't be any detectable residue from the pesticide left by the time the crop is harvested. Unless the intended mother-to-be is drinking the stuff or bathing in spray solution, she isn't getting significant exposure to glyphosate. Like most modern pesticides, it breaks down fairly quickly after it has been applied.

My advice to the OP is, stop reading this junk, for the sake of your own peace of mind. I understand that you want to be informed, but these people aren't interested in informing you. They have gotten you all bent out of shape about something that really doesn't affect either you or your animals. If you don't want to be exposed to glyphosate, don't spray it in your yard, but don't worry about it being in your food because it isn't there anyway.
That is true there is no total and undeniable proof for GMO foods one way oe the other. However, the experts have just this year declaired Global Warming to be caused by human beings. The debate started in the 1970s and most people who brought it up were poo-pooed and told there was no proof. And they were just wrong. So again we are the quinea pigs for this(GMO) experiment. And our choice has been taken away from us because it is not unlawful to not declare on a food package if there are GMOs in what you purchase.

Now Monsanto has introduced a new herbicide into the seeds because they have found the round up ready to be lacking because the weeds are adapting and no longer controlled by round up. This new herbicide is related to Agent Orange, which was used in the Vietnam war with devastating results felt to this day, except the dioxin part is taken out of it. There are many other carcinegans in this new herbicide. Do you really want to eat this stuff?

In my opinion the best thing to do is stay away from this food as much as you can. Be informed and look up what products do have GMOs in them. Many more than what a person would think. Just do the best you can there is no way to be perfect And pray and hope for the best. In the mean time try to be at peace and enjoy the good things in life. :)
One of the biggest issues I have with Monsanto would be how they treat other farmers. Pretty much, it appears they only want "one" and that "one" to be Monsanto. Watched a documentary on GMO/Monsanto some time ago, but can't remember the name though I know where to find the link to it at.

But, I am a big supporter of going "All natural" anyway. Tastes better, is generally healthier, and is becoming somewhat cheaper on quite a few levels/pays back in the long run. I don't generally like the use of pesticides because I have bought into the "Save the bees and frogs" (all wildlife in general actually, but I'm not a Animal Rights Activist as I hunt. More of into conservation of habitat/wildlife) movement which has arisen with one of the main issues being pesticide levels in the water and other areas (which also can wash into our water, even though it is filtered trace amounts of a lot of stuff can still be found in the water; many which have been linked to cancer).

But, I still for now am not afraid of the stuff put out at restaurants when we go out to eat; or my Kraft Macaroni and cheese even if Kraft does use Monsanto products; given that I don't do the grocery shopping and I am the only one who really even knows who/what Monsanto is I don't have a lot of choice anyway. I don't recycle much either currently, but would like to eventually (I live in a fairly rural area anyway, no pick ups and I would have to run to probably two different cities or so just to recycle everything as they don't all offer the same thing). I do pick up trash occasionally though to at least keep a lot of the areas clean of litter.

God bless,
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If it is all so safe, then why do they refuse to label human food as to whether it contains GMO grains or not?? They are afraid we would vote with our dollars & big Business cannot let that happen. Give me a choice & I am happy. Right now we have no choice. JMHO
Your against gmo but I bet you raise hatchery birds. Don't you think that your birds are modified for maximum performance? How do you think hatcheries can crank out chicks like they do. They sure aren't the same old chickens grandma had. Think about it. I may be off base a little here but I get tired of hearing some folks complain about gmo but they're raising cornish rocks.
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