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  1. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    After looking through all of the regulations in Arkansas, it says that a permit is not required to possess native species if they are reared from young (excluding song birds, hawks, and owls). I looked all over this page and nothing was said about native waterfowl other than you are responsible...
  2. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    Yes, I am still planning on getting another gosling. I plan on going to a poultry sale soon so I figure I'll be able to get another gosling there.
  3. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    Oh, and I forgot to mention. I do plan on keeping him/her enclosed. Here is a pic of him today:
  4. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    About 12 years ago, one of my parents friends purchased Canada geese from a hatchery. They were not pinioned or anything. Over the years, they have expanded their flock to about 37 geese. I was able to get eggs from them, and no, I did not buy or trade them. The eggs were in a nest that had...
  5. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    Well, I really don't know how to tell the difference between male and female Canada geese? Do y'all know?
  6. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    Well, I'm not 100% sure on the sex. If I did it right, I believe I have a female, but no, I have not came up with any names yet. Any suggestions?
  7. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    I have him on an organic chick starter (DUMOR to be exact). I have not added any supplemental ingredients to provide him with niacin, but I'll definitely look into that. He also eats lots of grass seeds when walking through the yard, and the occasional moth when it flies into his brooder...
  8. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    I tried the stuffed animal thing, but he seemed scared of it, so I took it out. However, the waterer and feeder are just temporary. They were just hast minute things... He has already grown so much!!! I'd post a pic of him now, but it's rainy now and I can't get good lighting in the garage...
  9. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    When I came in from school this afternoon, I could tell that he had discovered his food. He already looks like he has doubled in size. He's getting a lot better at just following me, but I have to do the "hey, hey, hey, hey, hey" every few seconds to keep his attention. Here he was this...
  10. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    I know that my ducks pretty much learned themselves how to eat, but he doesn't have a lot of interest with his starter. If I put a piece of grass with little blooms in his brooder, he goes crazy trying to get the blooms off. When a moth flies in, he eats them, but when he grabs his food, he...
  11. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    Well, the temps were pretty cool today (just above 70°), but he wasn't outside 5 minutes. We came in when the cool breeze started blowing and the sun was covered. Also, my ducks would not harm him, but I didn't take any chances. In a couple days, I am selling all of my Rouens, leaving me...
  12. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    Here is him in his new brooder: I have a few concerns about him: 1. I went by my feed store today, and they are not getting another shipment of geese in until June 5th. However, I'm planning on spending a lot of time with him. 2. I took him through the yard today (just to build a little leg...
  13. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    He did great in the incubator today, and I'd love to post more pictures now, but he is a little...ya know...wet. He discovered water, and just how fun it is to play in. I took him out, and the top of him is dry, but the bottom of him is soaked. He can walk now, and he followed me around my...
  14. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation brooder that I was going to put the gosling in is occupied until tomorrow. What I'm planning on doing is moving him into the large incubator while I'm at school, and set the temperature at 89°F. Does this sound like it would work? **Yes, I will have food and water in the incubator with him.
  15. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    Here's another little update. We're beginning to get our "sea legs" under us now:
  16. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    Thanks so much y'all. I'll check to see when the next shipment of geese come into our local feed store. I'm going to try to get a Toulouse gosling to go with him--just so they will look somewhat similar.
  17. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    I want to raise him outside quite a bit, so do y'all know the earliest that I could introduce him to the back yard? Is there anything that I should keep him away from (plants, animals,)?
  18. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    Well, I guess he is doing great. He is still in the incubator. He was in a large incubator that was filled with turkey eggs, but they hatched before he did, so I moved them to a brinsea mini advance incubator. I had no idea of just how large a gosling is...he's twice (maybe three times) the...
  19. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    Finally, at 3:18 this morning, the little gosling decided it was time to come out. Well, it did not work like that. He was malpositioned, pipping at the base of the egg, and did not do much of a "zip". It was more like a turn. I carefully took away pieces of shell and membrane, and...
  20. silkie1472

    Goose Egg Incubation

    It looks like he is preparing to zip now. His whole body is now moving and I can hear his beak hitting the eggshell from my bed (maybe 7 feet away). I am freaking out so much...I have four alarms set throughout the night to ensure that he is okay and not drying out at all. I hate that he...
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