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  • Users: Tikkijane
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  1. Tikkijane

     Azaleas and other toxic plants

    I know that azaleas {and rhododendron} are toxic. Also honeysuckle, morning glories,etc. I have lots of honeysuckle and morning glories. Chickens either leave them alone or have had zero issues.{They also eat poke berries without issue, although it looks like a crime scene. :lau } Anyone have...
  2. Tikkijane

    When not to move?

    ...up high. Obviously, I'll need to move her down. Is there a cut off point when they shouldn't be moved? Normally I just grab the eggs, but this is *the meanest* broody I've ever had. Anyone familiar with this breed hatching from mama? Do I need to move chicks inside once they hatch? Want to...
  3. Tikkijane


    What will take a bird in the middle of the day without leaving a single feather or other sign? This happened in a span of about 15 minutes with at least one dog out? There is no blood anywhere, nor any feathers. He was there and just gone. The only hawks I have seen here are smaller than tge...
  4. Tikkijane

    Dead Whites?

    My 16 keets hatched and shipped last Wednesday. They were late because the whites didn't hatch out at all. Everyone arrived alive and active. Friday am = 1 dead white for unknown reason. Everyone else fine. Did a check first thing this morning- everyone fine and active. 2 hours later= another...
  5. Tikkijane

    Umbilicus issue!

    Chicks hatched/shipped Wednesday; got here yesterday. Everyone alive and very active. Came down this morning and one of my BOs was a bloody mess. This is what I found: This thing was connected all the way up to her neck! I went ahead and soaked her in warm water to loosen it up. I...
  6. Tikkijane

    Why do I need a run?

    So, now that we're in the country, my better half wants to make a temporary run so the hawks can't get the babies. Once they are old enough not to be food for those in the sky and pretty well nesting box trained, he wants to get rid of the run entirely because they are going to be free-range...
  7. Tikkijane

    Who am I?

    No, we didn't name her Jean Valjean............. When we got her, she looked more like a buff brahma because she didn't look as dark as most mille fleur d'Uccles, but now I'm not so sure...... A few days old: Now I'm leaning more towards a d'Uccle with the comb, the emergence of...
  8. Tikkijane

    Deer Repelling and Safe??

    I am familiar with some deer repelling plants- I have site saved somewhere with the toxic plants to chickens listed, but for the life of me, I can't find it. And, of course, there aren't people on there with real experience. What flowers do you like for your vegetable garden that are...
  9. Tikkijane

    NC predators?

    We are new to this part of the country- we're in north central/eastern NC. I know we have hawks, skunks, coons, possums, and owls. What else do I have to worry about? We plan to free-range, but I want to make sure we have a run for the babies and the keets until they are large enough to be...
  10. Tikkijane

    Roost Height for Mixed Flocks

    I'm wondering about roost height for mixed flocks- adding some bantam silkies and sultans, and wondering how high their roost should be? What's your btdt that for perfect height? Thanks!
  11. Tikkijane

    Protein Level

    I have always used Purina's Sunfresh chick start and grow, which has 18% protein. My other option is DuMor, which has 20% protein. I know the protein is good for feathering, but I'm wondering if that 2% matters? What do all of y'all prefer, and why? Thanks!
  12. Tikkijane

    Chipmunks? And Banties?

    What other breeds besides EEs have chicks that look like chipmunks? I'm going to be getting more chicks from TSC and we all know how that goes- they have no idea what they are. The last batch, they also had some banties that looked like EE chicks, but those, of course, they also have no idea...
  13. Tikkijane

    Mixed Flock?

    Right now, I have 13 full size birds, including 3 barred rocks that are more aggressive to the others. I also have at least one big BO that may have to leave because she continues to pluck, even with peepers. Another one may be going, too, unless she starts laying eggs again. I am thinking...
  14. Tikkijane

    Plucking, round 25..............

    A few months ago, everyone started a fashion trend with their peepers. Out of the 13, I think we have 3 or 4 that got them off. That's not the problem. The problem is Daisy. Daisy is one of our BOs, and continues to pluck with them on. At first, she would crane her head and try to go at it...
  15. Tikkijane

    How many days between eggs?

    Let me preface this by saying that my girls have not stopped laying this winter and we don't use any supplemental light. I have 13 (BO, BR, EEs, PR), and on average, we're getting about 7 + eggs a day; some are still laying daily while some of the others are doing every other day. On Monday, I...
  16. Tikkijane

    Corid- what to do with eggs?

    I'm re-reading, but can't seem to find a definitive answer on eating eggs- can we eat them at any point (after treatment? during treatment?)? Are we still treating for 5 days? Thanks.
  17. Tikkijane

    Passing blood-*pic*

    I posted this earlier on the egg bound thread: I think my 9 month old Buff Orpington may be egg bound. She was in the nesting box *all* day today, only coming outside in the last hour or so. When she's standing, tail feathers are down, she's not eating treats/seed; not drinking, and she's not...
  18. Tikkijane

    Peepers and predators??

    I'm wondering- do the pinless peepers affect the ability to escape predators? I was asked this question, and honestly, have no idea..... ?????????? Thanks, Tikki
  19. Tikkijane

    Pinless Peeper help, please

    So I got the ones from Randall Burkey and not having any luck getting them in. To begin with, even after soaking in very hot water, I can't get them to bend. Opening with the snap ring pliers broke them and sent them...
  20. Tikkijane

    My chickens are chicken

    We here in the desert have snow and cold- right now, it's 21; low tomorrow says 9. We had a little snow yesterday and they came outside, ate it until it melted and generally didn't seem bothered. Today, however, most of them have been inside all day long. And they are not happy campers...
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