

9 Years
What will take a bird in the middle of the day without leaving a single feather or other sign? This happened in a span of about 15 minutes with at least one dog out? There is no blood anywhere, nor any feathers. He was there and just gone. The only hawks I have seen here are smaller than tge crows. I didn't go crashing through the woods across the street (not ours) but we have pretty well walked our 26 acres with no sign of him. Missing bird is a silkie cockerel who is pretty much full grown and whose eyes weren't covered, so he could see.

The others were huddled and freaked out. There is a skunk we've seen cross the horse pasture but it has never come by the house/barns. They were outside their makeshift pen which is just short chicken wire with a very small portion covered and we've been out there with them sll day.

We're hoping he's just hiding and will make his way back at dusk, but seems to me he's gone. :(

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