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  • Users: Tkoop741
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  1. Tkoop741

    Gender?? Pic Heavy

    Here are my chickens. Hopefully all pullets ;) The light colored ones (3) are 18 weeks old. The red and black ones are 8 weeks old. None of them have spurs yet (not sure when they develop...) My Americaunas (18 weeks old) RIR/Australorp Crosses (8 weeks): RIR (8...
  2. Tkoop741

    Mixing my Flock - Tips?

    I have four 5 week old pullets (Mixed Black Australorp and RIRs) and will be adding three 14 week pullets (Ameraucana) today. Any tips? Are they young enough that they can all be put together immediately or should I separate them first? We have a pretty small coop/henhouse (3'x4') with attached...
  3. Tkoop741

    HELP Chick with broken leg!

    So we just let the chicks out in the run today for the first time. We checked on them a while later and one of the chicks has a broken leg. I don't know if he fell from the coop or if he got caught in the chicken wire. It was bleeding some but has stopped. He is walking around fine and eating...
  4. Tkoop741

    Cold Winter in TX Help...

    I have 1 month old chicks (4 to 4 1/2 weeks old) outside in an empty coop. I have put a heat lamp in the coop the last 2 nights because the lows are in the upper 20's. I've never seen them huddling under the lamp when I check on them. Should I switch to a regular light-bulb? I don't want to get...
  5. Tkoop741

    Black Australorp Gender Help

    I have 3 RIR/Australorp 1 month old chicks. They all feathered in very evenly with the exception of a 4th one which is still missing its shoulder feathers and has a much more prominent comb (couldn't get a picture of that little guy). Wondering what the gender is one the three "triplets"...
  6. Tkoop741

    New Member from Texas

    Howdy! I'm Tiffany from Texas and I'm a newbie when it comes to chickens! I got 11 chicks from a friend and am hoping for at least 6 hens (I have to give away any roosters because of being in the city). They are about 4 weeks old now! I can use all the advice I can get! We are having a cold...
  7. Tkoop741

    Barred Rock Sex Link?

    I was given some chicks from a friend. I *think* I have these figured out. There are 4 black chicks and 2 black and white barred chicks. I know she had Barred Rocks which crossed with a Rhode Island Red. That makes them "Sex Link" right? So I may have 4 hens and 2 roos. I couldn't get a good...
  8. Tkoop741

    Rhode Island Red/Australorp Cross. Gender? New Pics!

    Edited 12/26/12 I have NO idea what breed this is. This breed is a cross between a Rhode Island Red (dad) and Australorp (mom). Any clues on gender? The chick is 4 weeks old. The coloring is hard to tell with the pictures but the feathers are red and black. The black has almost a greenish...
  9. Tkoop741

    EE and Rhode Island Reds. Gender??

    Edited 12/27/12 I was given some chicks from a friend. I have 4 Reddish/brown chicks that I'm not sure what gender they are. They are all 4 weeks old. The one I think is a rooster ACTS like a rooster. Herding the others, charging me, and taking control of the food. Also he/she is bigger and...
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