New Member from Texas


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 25, 2012
Tyler, Texas
Howdy! I'm Tiffany from Texas and I'm a newbie when it comes to chickens! I got 11 chicks from a friend and am hoping for at least 6 hens (I have to give away any roosters because of being in the city). They are about 4 weeks old now!

I can use all the advice I can get! We are having a cold front come through today and I've probably checked on my chicks a dozen times ;) We designed and built our Coop ourselves (we've moved it from our shop and put it outdoors since this picture was taken)

Just wanted to say hello and thanks for welcoming me into your community :)
Looks like a really nice coop.
Howdy from Kansas, Tkoop741, and
! Great to have you with us! I really like your coop! If it's any consolation, we have had lows in the single digits here in Kansas and my chicks in my unheated coop are doing just fine. I think yours will be okay!

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