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  • Users: WCflockers
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  1. WCflockers

    My Khaki Campbells....

    are approx. 9 weeks old. We have 6 total. This is our first time with ducks. I know I need to be patient to see what we have....but I am afraid I am seeing too many possible male traits emerging. Could you look at these pics and tell me you gender thoughts? Thanks!
  2. WCflockers

    Will the older Hens let the up and coming layers into the nesting boxes?

    My 12 barred rocks have been laying since August. We had 4 nesting boxes for them. Now, a few of my younger mixed flock, are looking like they are ready to lay and showing interest in the boxes. We added 2 more boxes for now. (so total of 6 ) My concern is that any time that the younger flock...
  3. WCflockers

    A New kind of "Chicken Math"...

    The Chickens just wouldn't leave us alone when we tried to do our Math games outside on this beautiful fallish afternoon! I hope we still have all the dice! hehe
  4. WCflockers

    Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire?

    The more research that I do, the more confused that I have gotten! Is the front chicken a RIR or NH? (the two behind are partridge rocks). Thanks!
  5. WCflockers

    Can anyone tell me what kind of HAWK this is?

    Sorry for the bad picture quality, but I was so nervous when I saw him on the fence right next to our coop that I was shaking. We have not had Hawk issues before (have been free ranging since spring) but since this picture, all of a sudden, have noticed more hovering/ circling above...and a few...
  6. WCflockers

    Anyone know this breed?

    Wondering if anyone knows what breed this chick is? She is supposed to be a brown egg layer. Her legs are green. She is 3 weeks old. (sorry about the messy brooder, this is pre-cleaning). Thanks!
  7. WCflockers

    Buff Something!

    Could anyone tell me if this chick is a Buff Orpington, Buff Rock or other? (3 weeks old in photo). Thanks!
  8. WCflockers

    Surprised as the least likely ( rooster ) candidate takes charge!

    Hi. So, out of 10 Barred Rock Roosters and 1 Polish of them started crowing (approx at 9 weeks). It is the Polish! It sounds like an elephant dying,but I kind of like it. question is, is this normal for the underdog, singleton of the group to be the one who takes...
  9. WCflockers

    Who is this chick? (breed inquiry)

    We received 5 of these type of chicks in our McMurrary Assorted brown egg layers batch so I would really like to figure out what breed it is??? Would appreciate your thoughts and experience. The pictured chick is about a week old. Thank you!
  10. WCflockers

    Please help identify our new brown egg layers baby chick assortment!

    Hi! So excited to have just received our assortment of new chicks. I have some ideas, but am feeling quite confused about the breeds that we received. Would appreciate some opinions on what our new chicks are! I have posted 8 different chicks here. Thank you!
  11. WCflockers

    Must be crazy...just placed another order...

    So, we have a current flock of 22 barred rocks and 1 polish. We just placed an order for 25 brown egg layers assortment...and I am a little nervous...but oh super excited! ((addiction)).
  12. WCflockers

    Ladders or other climbables?

    Just curious what you do? I have tried to build ladders out of tree limbs/stick and twine for my flock, but I am failing at greatness for the most part, so just you build your air perch structures or buy them from somewhere? My husband has built a long nice perch for them...
  13. WCflockers

    Polish Gender ? Would love your thoughts...

    Greetings! Our polish is approx 7 weeks old in this pic and we have no clue if it is a hen or roo? Any thoughts? thanks!
  14. WCflockers

    Painting of our Polish

    I just wanted to share this painting that I made of our black crested polish chick. My 6 year old son named him : Bon jour! (because when you see him , it's like hello!). I can't wait to do more paintings of the chickens, they are such a fun inspiration!
  15. WCflockers

    Dream to Nightmare

    We had our first predator losses yesterday...I know that it is part of the territory, I tried to prepare myself, but I am so sickened and sad. How do you ever get used to this? What keeps you going on raising chickens anyway?
  16. WCflockers

    new here, 1st time chick owner & possible sicky? (picture)

    Hello! I am a first time chicken owner. To start our flock, my husband and I ordered 25 barred rocks (and also got 1 mystery chick which is a white crested black polish). They are a little over 5 weeks old now and all seem to be thriving...except one, that my daughter has named Minnie. She...
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