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  1. country flock

    Neck Injury from Predator!

    My hen has a very nasty looking deep wound in her neck and i'm not sure what do! I'm amazed that she is even alive! She walks and eats and mothers her chicks. We thought she was eaten Friday or Saturday, but then she turned up this morning. Should I put her down?
  2. country flock

    Young Mini Lop Does

    Two mini lop does for sale. 3+ months. Born May 12, 2014. Might accept less than $15. PM if interested.
  3. country flock

    Buff Silkie Bantams

    I have 4 buff Silkie bantams for sale and they are almost 15 weeks old. They are all from the same clutch. One is a cockerel, and I believe the rest are pullets. We are located in Hanover, Pennsylvania. Please PM if interested. $8.00 each or $30.00 for all 4. We also have 4 mini lop bunnies...
  4. country flock

    Silkie - pullet or cockerel!?

    I can't decide if this is a pullet or cockerel. Can you help? Below is a pullet & cockerel from the same clutch as the one above:
  5. country flock

    Lighning Bugs - OK?

    Are lightning bugs, or fireflies, safe for chickens and pheasants to eat? Since the bugs are nocturnal and the chickens aren't, I wasn't sure...?
  6. country flock

    Ever Had a Chick with a Bent Toe?

    One of my partridge Silkie chicks has a strange problem, and I was wondering if you ever had any like it or if there's a way to correct the problem. The outermost toe on both feet is bent under his foot, so he walks on it. He can walk okay, but his balance isn't the greatest. When I first...
  7. country flock

    To Drain an Eggshell...

    First of all, excuse me if this is the wrong category for this post... I wasn't sure where exactly it should go. One day as I was walking through the woods, I came across an egg by the creek. Lying in the mud with no sign of a nest, mother, or fellow egg. The human brain is interesting in...
  8. country flock

    Points Up! - hatch watch

    "DON'T store your eggs pointy end up! It puts too much pressure on the air chamber!" Or does it? Well, here it goes. My experiment. I had stored half a dozen of my Silkies' eggs pointy end up, curious to see if they'd hatch. Unexpectedly, my partridge Silkie hen went broody today. Those six...
  9. country flock

    Incubation Day 4 - not fertile!?

    I have a couple eggs on day 4 of their incubation and one looks different than the others. It's just a faintish ring whereas the rest have a dot with veins branching off. Is the egg infertile? If you have any pics, that would be great!
  10. country flock

    Little Giant 9200 Still Air Incubator - humidity

    I just got an LG 9200 still air bator and I have a question: There are 6 water trenches and it doesn't specify how many you are to fill for the first part of incubation or the last when you need more humidity. Shall I fill all 6 right now at the beginning?
  11. country flock

    Turning Stored Eggs - HOW!?

    I am reading online how to store fertile hatching eggs and most articles say to "turn the eggs to a different position daily" or something to that effect. Could you tell me exactly what they mean by "turn"? You store them small end down, so it doesn't mean to turn them small end up, does it...
  12. country flock

    Prized PopTarts!? Outrageous Orange Cream!?

    My Silkies love treats! (who doesn't!?) But they go absolutely nuts over one in particular...PopTarts. Yep. Crust, frosting, filling and all! They Immediately ranked high on their "Faves List". They also, unbelievably, delight in orange cream popsicles! I have to wonder, "Are they normal?" So...
  13. country flock

    Storing Hatching Eggs

    Is there any way to store fertile eggs from my hens till I am ready to incubate them or till one of them goes broody? ALSO... About how many eggs would you allow a broody Silkie bantam to set on?
  14. country flock

    Broody Silkie!

    My Silkie just went broody on Saturday! :D If i figured right, it should hatch around the first of December. This is the first time she is and the first time one of my hens went broody. So excited! I have her in a separate cage, but is there anything else I need to know? Even any interesting...
  15. country flock

    The Country Flock - a true story

    Now there happened to be, on the east side of a town, a small kingdom. This kingdom was called Silkiville and was ruled by the good King Simba. King Simba is assisted in his reign by his younger brother, Prince Snaps. Prince Snaps has a fitting name. He can get snappy at the neighboring...
  16. country flock

    Welsummers & Silkies - Yea or Nay?

    I think I might be getting Welsummer chicks next year. From what I've read, they don't seem like the broodiest hens, and for once I'd like my hens to raise chicks of their own. :P so I was thinking, I love Silkies and they are broody and good mothers, so maybe I should sell the 2 Silkie roosters...
  17. country flock

    Poultry Shows Open!

    Feel free to post you poultry show ad and be sure to include the entry deadline as well! :D
  18. country flock

    So Sweet Silkie Show

    WELCOME! To the So Sweet Silkie Show! THE RULES: 1. As the name suggests, only Silkie bantams are allowed, but they needn't be purebred. 2. No more than 4 entries per competitor. 3. Fill in the complete form with the picture. 4. You must be able to see the entire bird on the picture. 5. RFN...
  19. country flock

    Breakfast Eggs - Poll

    Create your fave egg breakfast! Check the ones you like, but be sure you want them all at one meal! Not stuff you only want sometimes. Like a Sheetz MTO! (only invisible)
  20. country flock

    Favorite Breeds Poll

    What is the favorite, most common chicken breed owned by BYC users? Take this poll to find out! (must be one you own/owned)
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