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  1. iananderson

    Extended laying in winter and how to stop eggs from freezing

    Hiya and happy new year to all. Now I've always been a bit of a 'let 'em rest in the winter' kind of guy, but since our chooks stopped laying in October this year (and then moulted) and probably will not start again until March/April, I'm thinking that's a rather long holiday! After they...
  2. iananderson

    Using a thermostat to control cookie tin water heater...

    Hi guys, Has anyone else tried using a cheap STC-1000 thermostatic controller to switch on (and off) the cookie tin heater? I just made this setup to give it a try. I set the temp initially to 2 degrees C but the top skinned over, so I bumped it up to 5 degrees C and last night it was minus 8...
  3. iananderson

    Not another question about winterizing! Just some findings from the past two years.

    I mean I've read just about everything here about winterizing and am familiar with the concepts and indeed of keeping chickens (18 years this year) BUT... After moving to my first properly cold climate I'm finding that...... My well insulated coop has the same temps inside as outside. My...
  4. iananderson

    Split coop designs

    Hiya all, After more than a year in the coop below, we introduced three new Norwegian Jærhøns after losing a couple to a fox one afternoon. It proved to be a stressful experience for everyone, even after following all the advice we could find about introducing new birds. It also made us...
  5. iananderson

    Chicken brains (y/n)

    Don't misunderstand me, I love the way that chickens can be both incredibly smart one minute and yet as dumb as a dishcloth the next, but when I moved the chooks water into it's trial winter location (over a small heater) I was amazed that the previous 7 months of knowledge disappeared in an...
  6. iananderson

    Roost experiment to settle argument!

    Hey guys, I thought I would post about what happened to settle an 'argument' between me and my father recently. I built a new coop in the spring and after researching on here, fitted 4" flat roosts with rounded off corners which the chooks took to straight away. However, my father paid us a...
  7. iananderson

    Enough ventilation in new coop? (4no. 5" x 8" louvers)

    Hiya, My previous coops were in New Zealand and East Africa but now I am in Norway, a different kettle of fish entirerly! I just finished building this coop, but after reading 'patandchickens' page on ventilation I'm worried I haven't allowed for enough ventilation...... My previous coops...
  8. iananderson

    Light Sussex trio showing differences after one month...

    Hiya, We bought three Light Sussex "pot luck" hens as day olds. Now they are a month old and after coming home after a few days away, finally I see something that separates them visually (darker and larger comb). Since being a few days old the chicken in the photo with the darker comb has...
  9. iananderson

    New chicks in Norway...

    Hi everyone, Thanks for the help so far, been invaluable in getting set up for our new chicks (3 Norwegian Jærhøns and 3 light sussex). Had chickens several times before (East Africa and New Zealand etc) but always from POL. Got kids now so it had to be chicks didn't it lol! First time with...
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