Split coop designs


Mar 31, 2014
Close to the beach in Asker, Norway
Hiya all,
After more than a year in the coop below, we introduced three new Norwegian Jærhøns after losing a couple to a fox one afternoon. It proved to be a stressful experience for everyone, even after following all the advice we could find about introducing new birds.

It also made us realize that all the little 'cute' coops you see on the Internet are just not big enough in the real world. Norwegian Jærhæns are small, but even I can see that the 3' of coop space in our 4' x 4' coop is an absolute minimum. Add into the mix new chickens and it's definitely not big enough!

Hence plans for coop version 2!

I was thinking of building a coop with a split design so that it could be divided into two separate parts when needed (new pullets, sick birds, broody birds etc.)

I am initially thinking of a 8' x 5' and 6' high coop, split in the middle, basically with each half being a mirror image of the other and a mesh connecting door in between that can be closed to create the separate halves, (with a 100sq ft dog run attached)

Anyone any experience with this or any advice?
Existing too small coop.......
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The bigger the better, small coop's do not give new birds a place to get away from the established flock. I have mine designed so I can split it in two, new birds on one side old birds on the other. It's covered in chicken wire so they can see each other and get use to one another. I will let them free range in the yard together, lots a room for them interact with each other and lots of escape routes. I use pin less peepers on my hens it keeps the aggression to a minimum, also the damage they can do. I still have the occasional spat or stare down, but the two groups roost together now and my older rooster keeps an eye on all of them. I find when I add new birds if I get ruffle the same number as old flock the integrate much better.

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