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  • Users: MeredithW
  • Content: Threads
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  1. MeredithW

    Baby mini donkey!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys!! I just got a miniature baby donkey!!! His name is Jaspar, and he is five months old. I've never owned an equine before, although I do have goats, sheep, dogs, cats, pigs, etc . . . I know that you can't ride Mini donkeys, but, I am planning on driving him when he's older!!! One...
  2. MeredithW


    MY DUCKLINGS ARE DUE TO HATCH WHEN I'M GONE!!! My female mallard is sitting on her nest, which has about 10 eggs or so. She started incubating about the first couple days of June, so the eggs will hatch around the end week of June. This is unfortunate ,though because me and my family are...
  3. MeredithW

    Newbie Sheep owner . . . NEED ADVICE!!!!!!

    We got two bottle sheep almost a week ago, and we've never had sheep before. Their names are Pomp and Stan. They've been doing great on the bottle and are very healthy! We have goats, a pig, dogs and cats, so I know how to take care of them. The only thing I don't know, is, #1: How to wean them...
  4. MeredithW

    Duck Frozen to ground

    I found my duck frozen to the ground today. It is about -10 degrees here in Minnesota. We brought her inside and let her warm up in the tub with some luke-warm water. Then we put her in a bucket with some hay and a little bowl of water. I went to check on her a little while ago, and she has...
  5. MeredithW


    One of my four Pekins has a bad injury on her foot. It's big and swollen and looks really really bad. She's limping too. What should I do????
  6. MeredithW

    Donkey names . . . . :)

    I need some really great names for a miniature donkey gelding!! Unique . . .but not too unique . . . and NO STEREOTYPICAL NAMES PLEEEEAAASSEEE!!!! Or else I will die. ( I hate stereotypes). Nothing like Jack or Donkey or anything. XD Thanks so much!
  7. MeredithW

    Goat chat thread!!!! All friends welcome!!

    ☼☼☼☼☼☼ ☼☼☼☼I love goats, so I thought . . . well, why not have a chat thread to talk about them a lot!!???☼☼☼☼ All BYC rules apply Be nice to each other!!! Have fun!!! (these are not my goats!) My family has 6 goats, three of them are Nigerian dwarfs, and the other three are Pygmys!
  8. MeredithW

    What can pygmy goats eat??

    I need a list of what fruits and vegetables a pygmy goat can and can't eat . . . and maybe why and why not too! we got three pygmy goats a couple days ago and I need to learn as much about them as I can!! Thanks!
  9. MeredithW


    I have three red eyed Tetras, and I had a cat fish type thing . . . my mom said it wasn't really a catfish. She got it to eat all the algae . . . and it worked! But, we went on vacation for a long time, and my dad was feeding all the animals, and he said he fed the fish everyday, and then he...
  10. MeredithW


    a friend had a dog die of Histoplasmosis which they thought came from the next door neighbor's chickens . . . she said that chickens carry it often, and it is fatal to dogs. Now, I have a lot of dogs, and a chicken coop near the dogs every day . . . she also said that people can become blind...
  11. MeredithW


    I'm getting a baby mini donkey, and I just CAN'T SETTLE ON A NAME!!!! I would love if anyone would give me some options!! X3 I already have a couple names in mind . . . but I just don't like them that much . . . they're Ned and Patrick . . . :P Thank you so much!!!! I'm horrible at names!! XD
  12. MeredithW

    Teaching Australian shepherd to herd???

    So, I have a 2 year old Australian Shepherd named Banjo, and he has never herded any animals before, and since my family is getting goats in the next couple years, and we have a pretty big pasture behind our house, I was thinking about training Banjo to herd. But I had a couple questions: If I...
  13. MeredithW

    I don't want an old horse . . .

    So, I am getting a horse next year, or the year after, and I have never owned a horse before, but I have worked with and rode horses all my life. My mom says we have to get an old horse, no younger than 20 . . . but I don't want to because I don't really like old horses. If I'm not really a...
  14. MeredithW

    Just a couple goat questions . . . . .

    I'm going to get a goat sometime this year or (most likely) next year. I want to bottle feed him, but not from day one. What should I look for in goat breeders and the babies, moms, and dads? Also, is it pretty normal for people to dehorn the babies, or do you have to ask them to do that? And...
  15. MeredithW

    Plants in fish tank

    I had a huge algae problem in my fish tank, and I had to throw all my plants away and I am not able to go and buy more from the pet store at the moment. I was wondering if it would harm the fish if I got some plants from my yard, or is that not a good idea . . . ? I don't know if this is a...
  16. MeredithW

    Cory Catfish not doing well . . . Someone help!!!!

    I know this is a chicken website . . . but . . . I had a very important question to ask about my aquarium. The other day, I got and algae control because the algae in my tank was getting out of hand. I followed the directions for a ten gallon tank, and today I noticed that my Cory Catfish is...
  17. MeredithW

    Goats, goats, goats!

    I'm going to get a goat!!!!!! I'm a newbie goat owner so I don't know much about them . . . I'm going to get a wether and name him Fitz! He's going to be a pygmy goat . . . we are also going to get meat goats, can Pygmy goats live with meat goats since they are so much smaller? Or do we have to...
  18. MeredithW

    Anyone else waiting for ducks to hatch?????

    I am desperately waiting for my pekin/mallard mix duckling to hatch! It will hopefully hatch on the 25th which seems MUCH to long away . This is day 8 in incubation, and it looks good. I think that if it's a boy, I'm going to name him Buck, and if it's a girl, I might name her Fanya. Anyone else?
  19. MeredithW

    What makes this happen?

    This is happening in my duck egg: (The circle around the embryo) . . . and I learned that it's not harmful or anything . . . but it got me to thinking, and now I'm really curious: What causes it? Does anybody know?
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