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  1. Hufflefluff

    Which Chicks to Get?

    (Not sure if this should have gone in the breeds forum, but since it's not about one breed specifically...) I was so sure I wasn't going to get chicks this year. And then I went to Murdoch's. Well, after giving away three of my hens to a friend of mine, I've cleared up space in my flock for...
  2. Hufflefluff

    How many hens do you replace at once?

    Hello! I have a flock of 8 hens that are all about 2 years old. I got them from a different store (which uses a different hatchery) then I have in the past, and I have not been very impressed with their laying. Since early November, I've been lucky to get 1 egg a week- with my old flock of...
  3. Hufflefluff

    How often do you get new birds?

    Hello! I've had chickens for ~3 years, and I've always gotten new chicks in the spring to replace deaths. However, since I restarted my entire flock last February (after a predator got all of my previous girls at once) I've had no deaths, and so I have nothing that I need to replace. However...
  4. Hufflefluff

    Chick w/ Weird Neck Movements- trouble breathing? Please Help!

    Hello! This is our LF Self Blue Cochin chick. She's about two weeks old. She had a little bit of a cough last week, but we really cleaned out and expanded to brooder and switched to less dusty food and it seemed to have gotten a lot better. Today, though, she's been doing this. What's wrong...
  5. Hufflefluff

    Leg and Respiratory Issues- Chicks

    Hello! I'm going to address two separate problems here, so apologies in advance if that confuses you. For a little background, I have ten chicks between one and two weeks old. They have a little less than a square foot each in a cardboard box brooding system with a Mama Heating Pad. We're...
  6. Hufflefluff

    MHP Construction Method?

    Hello! I'm getting a new batch of chicks early March, and after much reading I've decided to switch to using the Mama Heating Pad for brooding them. I'll probably put it all together in the next week or two, and I wanted to hear what method you all would recommend. The two main ones that I've...
  7. Hufflefluff

    Tums for Calcium?

    Hello all! I was reading a gardening book recently that was talking about how a Tums tablet dissolved in a gallon of water could provide calcium to tomatoes (to prevent them from splitting). Anyway, that got me wondering if you could dissolve Tums in chicken water to meet their calcium needs...
  8. Hufflefluff

    Raising Chicks in Winter?

    Hello, everyone! In a horrible twist of fate, after free-ranging safely for three years our flock of eight was all killed in one night (probably by coyotes?). This was two weeks ago, and after cleaning everything up and putting away all of our chicken stuff we're starting to think about getting...
  9. Hufflefluff

    First Time with Broody- some questions

    Hiya! So, due to an unforeseen fortunate (?) turn of events, yesterday my friend gave me some fertile (?) eggs to set under my broody hen. I went ahead and popped them under her last night, not really thinking about it, but this morning I realized I have some questions and concerns about the...
  10. Hufflefluff

    Distended vent in 1 wk old chick? {Warning: graphic poop and vent pics ahead!}

    Hello everyone! We recently got four new chicks, and have had some serious issues with poop and vents. When we first got them, one of them had several pasty butt, and after we cleaned it up we saw that her vent was a little bloody. She was still a distressed, and didn't make it through the...
  11. Hufflefluff

    Sand for grit?

    Hiya! We got three new chicks from our local feed store two days ago; two EE and one Cuckoo Marans. The EE were sold as day olds (but because the store gets them shipped from hatcheries they're probably about 4 days old) and the lady at the feed store told us the Marans had been there for about...
  12. Hufflefluff

    Chicken Processing Pictures?

    Hello! I'm a student journalist working on an article for my high school's news website on raising chickens for meat. I've harvested birds in the past, and think that it's something that's both interesting and relevant, especially as the area I live in is very dependent on grocery store chicken...
  13. Hufflefluff

    Cons of Keeping Incubator Temperature Low?

    Hi! So, essentially, I'm hatching eggs with a Brinsea Mini Eco; today is day 10. I can only adjust the temp with a screwdriver, and 1/4 turn is about four degrees, so I have to be very careful. I haven't adjusted the temperature since I set the eggs, because I know that too high of temps can be...
  14. Hufflefluff

    Hatching eggs with a Kindergarten class- any tips/ tricks/ help or ideas? Advice on turning much app

    Hi there! I'm running an incubation with a Kindergarten class as part of their study of birds. I haven't hatched eggs before, and have been reading everything I can get my hands on to make sure I don't mess up. I turned the incubator on yesterday, and got it to a steady temperature of almost 99...
  15. Hufflefluff

    Will Broody Hen Adopt 3 Week Old Chick?

    Hiya! We have a broody Buff Orpington- our first broody! While I'd love to let her hatch chicks, we don't have a rooster and can't legally get more chickens. However, we have one 3 week old chick, a Cochin, who we'd like to introduce her to. I went out and snuck the chick near her, and left them...
  16. Hufflefluff

    Moving 8 week old chick outside- Good idea?

    We've been raising Callie, a Dark Brahma chick, by herself inside for the past few weeks. When she was five weeks, we got her a friend- a day-old chick named Ami. Callie and Ami are good friends, although as our brooder is fairly small Callie is always relieved when we take her out, and flaps...
  17. Hufflefluff

    Sourcrop- Help!

    Our hen Chickenny has been acting lethargic, droopy, and slow all day. I noticed this morning that her crop felt 'floppy' and it's quite a bit worse now. I was looking up possible ailments, and I believe it's sour crop. We brought her inside the house a few minutes ago, and tilted her and...
  18. Hufflefluff

    Raising a solo chick? Any way to make it work?

    Hiya! So, I have a flock of seven pullets, six standard who will turn a year old in late March and one kind of odd bantam, who is probably two or three months younger. We raised the standards from day-olds, and when they were about a month old got two bantam chicks, also day olds. One of these...
  19. Hufflefluff

    Is There a Way to Make a Very Simple Incubator? What Would I Need?

    Hiya! So, basically, I'm considering trying to incubate a few chicks to add to my flock this spring, especially a few bantams to ideally befriend my only bantam (my other bantam, her friend, passed away about a month ago). I don't have an incubator, and can't really invest in one. However, I've...
  20. Hufflefluff

    Nesting box issue

    Hiya! I have six 17 week old pullets in my coop. The coop has a low and a high roosting bar, and is big enough for at least nine chickens, so they're not pressed for space at all. The nights here are brisk, but not cold, usually in the fifties. Despite all of this, five out of six pullers sleep...
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