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  1. staceymaenzo

    Feather shafts

    My male duckling (6 weeks) has really thick feather shafts on his wing feathers. They have been clinging on tightly for about two weeks and it’s causing his wings to stick out and not lie flat. It appears to be bothering him. He is constantly flicking his wings. Can this cause angel wing? Can I...
  2. staceymaenzo


    I need help. I have two Welshies and 3 Cayugas. The Welshies are 2 weeks older than the Cayugas. They were raised in clear brooders right next to each other from day one. They could see each other, smell each other, hear each other. I introduced them all to the pen at the same time and the...
  3. staceymaenzo

    is my ducky lame

    I recently got three ancona ducks from the same clutch. They are now 2 1/2 weeks old. One of them seems to have more of a waddling gait, seems a little more unsteady and spends more time lying down than the other two. It will take a few steps then lie down while the other two are running around...
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