

Mar 21, 2016
I need help. I have two Welshies and 3 Cayugas. The Welshies are 2 weeks older than the Cayugas. They were raised in clear brooders right next to each other from day one. They could see each other, smell each other, hear each other. I introduced them all to the pen at the same time and the Welshies bully the Cayugas horribly. I tried separating them in the pen with chicken wire for a week. It didn’t work. Any suggestions?
Continue to keep them separated, they are still pretty young, mine were separated for almost 3 weeks, and then i let then explore an unknown area together, and then they finally merged!!!
We have 4 Welsh ducks all female and they are a$$holes...lol. They bully all the chicks and they are all the same age (7 weeks), knock them off their roost for no good reason, and will trample them if they get in their way. This is the first ducks we have ever owned though...lol. We just tried to introduce some news chicks (3 weeks younger) and the ducks tried to kill them. If we would have left them I believe they would have succeeded. Good luck to the OP.
Lol! This is my third time having ducks but my first time with Welshies. I have had magpies, Blue and black Swedish, Rouen, Cayugas and one cute little white one (mystery duck). They were introduced at different ages and all coexisted beautifully. Who knows. Maybe Welshies are just a$$holes
Lol! This is my third time having ducks but my first time with Welshies. I have had magpies, Blue and black Swedish, Rouen, Cayugas and one cute little white one (mystery duck). They were introduced at different ages and all coexisted beautifully. Who knows. Maybe Welshies are just a$$holes

I am starting to realize this...lol. Hopefully when the chickens get full size things will equalize. I have seen the chicks fight back a couple times so far. It does not last long because the ducks are twice their size...lol.

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