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  1. PlayTheGame

    Daddy turkey

    I have a male and female Royal Palm Mexican Wild turkeys. The female laid 17 eggs and the male is the one who sat on them. They started to hatch yesterday. The female turkey seems like she doesn't care either way. The male turkey has become their mom. Has anyone else ever experienced this? And...
  2. PlayTheGame

    White Crested Black Polish egg clutch

    I am hatching out another clutch of WCBP. It is going well. All look healthy so far and active. One weird thing, One is solid black. I have never had this before. Is this a fluke? Will the baby change color? Am I blessed with a pure black white crested polish and if so what will the baby be...
  3. PlayTheGame

    Homemade incubators

    Post your home made incubator here and if you can, give details of how it worked for you.
  4. PlayTheGame

    Hen or Rooster?

    I bought 4 Buff Brahama pullets or so I thought. They were all the same size now at 4 weeks old one is so much bigger and taller than the others and is kind of aggressive towards the others. Could this one be a roo?
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