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  1. yodelinginca

    Chicken with caked-on poopy backside?

    My 5yo golden sex link hen has developed a terrible buildup of poop on her butt feathers. I'm not sure how she's even able to squeeze out more as I can't see her butthole. Help! How do I help/ clean her? She's usually annoyingly energetic. This morning I went out and she was walking slowly...
  2. yodelinginca

    Bullying, cannibalism, and reintroducing

    Our RIR seems to be in trouble. Do we need to cull the GSL? Do you have tips for helping with this flock dynamic? We have a flock of 5 hens. A RIR, Golden sexlink, Black sexlink, brown leghorn, and silver laced wyandotte. All the same age (born 2019). 4x6 coop, 6x10 fully enclosed run. We do...
  3. yodelinginca

    Bloody comb when laying?

    Background: flock of 5 hens, all different breeds. Going into their 3rd laying season. California. Last year our Brown Leghorn had a bloody comb after laying her first egg of the season. Went out this morning and her comb and face are bloody, and there's one of her eggs in the box (she's our...
  4. yodelinginca

    Guess what: Naked butt?

    Is it normal for a hen (silver laced Wyandotte, 1.5yrs old) to molt her butt fluff? Not her tail feathers. The fuzzy bits around her egg-dropper. If this is not a normal molting area, what are some causes I can look into?
  5. yodelinginca

    Help! Bloody foot

    Help! 3x over the last 8 months I've found blood in my coop/run (2x in the last 2 weeks). The first 2x, none of my birds showed any signs of injury, but today one had a bloody foot. We were careful to avoid sharp edges in construction, so not sure how the injury happened. It does look like it...
  6. yodelinginca

    Is it normal to lose their tail?

    Had one hen last year go through severe molt, she lost almost all her neck & big tail feathers. Eventually they regrew. I understand it's normal for pullets to go through a molt or two their first year. But now my hens are 15mos and my black sexlink has lost all but 1 of her big tail feathers...
  7. yodelinginca

    Deep litter questions

    (Background info at top, qs at bottom): My husband and I are very interested in the deep litter method for our run. We have 5 hens all about 15mo. We have a 4x6 coop with about 2' space underneath, that also extends to another 5x6 of covered run. Currently our run bedding is sand, but it's...
  8. yodelinginca

    Help! Bloody eggs?

    We have one hen, 1yr old Brown Leghorn, who is regularly laying bloody eggs. Sometimes it's just a small bit, sometimes it looks like this (picture left). It's been a month and all but 2 of her eggs have been bloody. She doesn't seemed stressed (though she does sometimes make this weird T Rex...
  9. yodelinginca

    1yo flock, picking on RIR?

    We have a flock of 5 hens (RIR, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Golden Sexlink, Black Sexlink, and Brown Leghorn). They all just turned 1yo. About 3mos ago I noticed the RIR getting into flappy sissy fights with the Golden Sexlink. Now, not only is the GS chasing her around, the others are ostracizing...
  10. yodelinginca

    Co-grooming- too funny

    Our RIR is a neat freak. She keeps everybody clean. Got a speck of dirt on your beak? Sally Henny Penny will clean it for you. Leaf stuck in your feathers? Sally's got your back. Incidentally, chickens blink when they peck.
  11. yodelinginca

    The Bokkening (for a laugh)

    So our hens do this funny thing where they announce that they have to lay by clucking loudly. It's even better when we get all 5 going, as they each have their own little cackle (we call it "the bokkening"). Our Brown Leghorn sounds like a car that won't start. Our Golden sexlink sounds like...
  12. yodelinginca

    Funny behavior when laying?

    Y'all, this makes me laugh every time. When I catch my Golden Sexlink hen in the laying box, she's always picking up pine shavings & dropping them on her back. Any idea why? (Also, the look she gives me is equivalent to when you forget to lock the bathroom door & somebody barges in)...
  13. yodelinginca

    Help! Winter run maintenance- PU!

    Ok. So we have a 4x6 coop for our 5 hens, all covered & enclosed. However, our 6x10 run doesn't have a solid roof so when it rains the ground gets REALLY muddy. Normally we clean out the run once a week, but aside from collecting uneaten scraps we can't clean the droppings in the mud (we just...
  14. yodelinginca

    Keeping up winter egg production?

    I have a flock of 5 hens, all 9 months old. They were laying an average of 3-4 eggs a day, but have now slowed to 1-2 a day. I've heard this is due to changes in the amount of daylight. Are there methods to keep them laying throughout the winter (we're in CA central coast, so mild weather...
  15. yodelinginca

    What to feed, how much to treat?

    Our first flock is now 9 months old. We have 5 hens, all different breeds. We currently have a big PVC gravity-fed tube of layer crumble feed in the run, and another feeder of it in the coop. We also give them about 3/4 cup of scratch & 1/2 cup of meal worms (total for the flock, not per bird)...
  16. yodelinginca

    Hen losing feathers on neck, changed comb. Is she sick, stressed, or molting?

    We have a flock of 5 hens, all different breeds, 9 months old. Our brown leghorn was the first to lay, but stopped 2 months ago (she's our only white egg-layer so we know for sure she's not laying). Before she started laying, her comb was full, bright red and straight up. When she started laying...
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