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  1. Q

    What breed is this handsome guy!

    A friend of mine was just gifted this good looking fellow from a family who is moving away. They paid a pretty penny for him, the original family, not my friend. But we don’t know what he is. I was thinking RIR but then I saw the gray above his legs and that threw me off.
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    Cuckoo maran behavior and add anomaly??

    Strange things? We decided to get 6 cuckoo maran pullets from the local feed store last summer. We saw that people really loved the deep dark brown of the eggs. We decided we would eventually get a roo and sell them as hatching eggs as well. We have yet to get a roo for the ladies. They are...
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    Hen just died in me, should I worry about the rest of the flock.

    I went out to check on the broody ladies this evening because we should have hatch any day now. But I noticed my Easter egger, who is not broody, in a nesting box. All the other ladies were on the roost tucking themselves in for the night. She was standing in almost a squat with her wings...
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    What breed is this rooster?

    Is he a barred rock or a cuckoo maran. I think he is a maran. What do you all think?
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    Grumpy neighbor, advice welcome.

    So our neighbor of the last two years whom we have had a very civil relationship with, up to now, has decided over the last 6 months that she does not enjoy our Muscovy Ducks visiting her pasture. We have a medium sized mixed breed flock. The Muscovies are our fliers of course, and her muddy...
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    Traumatized duck???

    Any help, suggestions, experiences would be greatly appreciated here. About a month ago we had a daytime predator attack. We lost a chick and a duckling to the predator, and a number of our ducks were rattled by it. A Muscovy hen and Cayuga hen stayed out on the pond all night. We saw them in...
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    What is she?

    I think she’s a California white but her orangish chest throws me off.
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    Chicken on my duck eggs???

    Has anyone had experience with this? Long story short, I have a speckled white brooding on 9 Muscovy eggs. On on one hand I’m grateful because the Muscovy has a terrible track record with brooding. On the other hand concerned the chicken won’t stay the longer course of completing the job of...
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    Rooster and drake fighting to the death.

    Ok, I’ve seen my rooster mount the drakes before for dominance and even chase them a little, but nothing like what happened this morning. I only have one rooster right now he’s a light Brahma and he has 11 ladies he handles just fine. I did have only one Muscovy drake until we had a clutch and...
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    Does any body else’s flock sound like the are communicating with life on another planet?

    So multiple times recently at different times During the day. When there are 3 or more hens in the coup we’ve noticed a strange whistling they all do together. It usually starts with Roostie and then the ladies chime in. It goes on for quite awhile at piercing octaves. I haven’t been able to...
  11. Q

    To catch a rooster...

    Pretty sure roostie has scaly leg mites. The problem is, he’s impossible to catch. Any tips and tricks on how to get a quick, non social rooster? Also, how come non of my hens seem to have scaly leg??
  12. Q

    Breaking eggs

    My Cayuga duck is breaking her eggs immediately after laying. She never did this before. It started a couple months ago. She doesn’t eat them. Just breaks them and leaves them.
  13. Q

    Muscovy breeding

    Couple questions because my internet search is leaving me confused. 1. I think my Cayuga hen mated with my Muscovy by the looks of the foliage. I thought she had mated with the mallard. Will these babies be mules if the Muscovy is the dad? 2. Can Muscovy ducks or any domestic ducks do second...
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    Limping speckled white

    About 3 days ago I saw her limping as we were bringing the flock in for the night. We grabbed her and brought her in using the dog kennel as the infirmary. I see no visual wounds. The pads of her feet are seem fine. She steps leading with her left foot then her right foot comes and the leg bows...
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    What do you think?

    So my Muscovy went broody on a clutch. I had some fertile eggs from my Cayuga hen who is mated with my mallard drake. My Cayuga just won’t go broody but I wanted some of her babies. So I timed it right and slipped two of her eggs under the broody Muscovy when she 28 days left to sit. On hatch...
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    What breed?

    I know the brown one is a khaki cambell but what is the yellowish one?..please help. Got them from tractor supply.
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    Why did muskovy drake kick broody muskovy hen off nest?

    Came to coop this morn and found my broody muskovy hen squeaking outside her nest. Found the drake in her nest covered in poo with over half the eggs outside the nest and cold. What the heck is going on?
  18. Q

    Just curious if we are on track? Is this typical?

    I have a broody muskovy duck hen. She dumps eggs out of the nest every now and then and by the time I find them they are cold. I always candle them to see if I can find what went wrong or is she just clumsy and knocking eggs out. She should be on about day 13. I think we are on track as far as...
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    Do I need to separate my drake from my ducks?

    We have one Muscovy drake and two Muscovy hens who have gone broody at the same time which dwindles the choices. 1 Cayuga hen, a mallard drake, they have been raised together since hatchlings and are definitely a pair. We added two straight run ducklings about 12 weeks ago. I'm pretty sure they...
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    How long before my muskovy snaps out of it?

    Long story short, my muskovy stole my Cayugas nest. There were 17 eggs in the nest. miss squeak took over and my docile princess started a new nest elsewhere in the coup. I marked on the calendar 28 days after she went broody and 35 days after she went broody. Just in case some of the eggs were...
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