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  1. Smiller1090

    ESA and new town ordinance

    My small town has never had a livestock or poultry ordinance. In the last year several more people in town decided to raise poultry due to the current world situation. Now the town is implementing a livestock ordinance without a grandfather clause. (They are not legally required to provide a...
  2. Smiller1090

    Mold smell coming from incubator fan

    I’ve used my incubator once months ago and cleaned it before I stored it. Just pulled it out, cleaned it and plugged it in to warm up to put eggs in and it smells like mold coming from the fan?! It’s the HHD 12 egg. How in the heck can you clean inside the fan and mechanisms and not completely...
  3. Smiller1090

    DIY Hutch From Old Duck Coop

    I’m planning to turn my old duck coop into a two story quail hutch. Right now the quail are in my shed in a temporary enclosure while I convert this. It’s 58” wide and 42” tall. I’m worried about snakes being able to get in through the ribs on the metal siding. I plan to take the metal off of...
  4. Smiller1090

    Lights and laying

    Anyone use Christmas lights to encourage laying through the winter and it work? I currently do not have wiring running to my coop and run, that is a next summer project
  5. Smiller1090

    Cold weather!

    My quail are not doing so hot with our lows being in the 20s the last week. I’ve lost 3 in 4 days. The only thing I could put them in inside the house is a reptile terrarium. Has anyone ever used one?
  6. Smiller1090

    Feed Bag Repurposing!

    I’ve been saving my feed bags to make Christmas gifts. I plan to make tote bags and aprons. Anyone have any other items hey make or can suggest? Thanks
  7. Smiller1090

    Gurgle Help!

    Brought a girl home yesterday with 3 others which I had not integrated into my flock yet, Thank God! She is gurgling in her breathing this morning. I separated her from the 3 she came with because they seem fine. What should be my next step? My vet doesn’t take birds so please keep that in mind...
  8. Smiller1090

    Indiana Laws help!

    What breeds do you have to have a license for and which do you not? The documents I’m finding are not clear! Grrr
  9. Smiller1090

    Can a duckling die from loneliness?

    My first round incubating has proved to be rough and that I need a better incubator! The first duckling hatch was a doozy and I had to help the poor thing because he was shrink wrapped in the amber colored goop. He is doing ok now but the two eggs still in the incubator aren’t looking promising...
  10. Smiller1090

    Hatching ducklings! Help

    I have one duckling almost our of he she’ll but some of the shell is stuck to it and some feathers are stuck to its beak! It is covered in an amber colored goo that is almost of a glue consistency! He is stuck and I don’t know how or if I can help him! What do I do?
  11. Smiller1090

    Clean the eggs or not for incubator?!

    I’ve asked several people on whether to clean the eggs or not before incubation. What does everyone do and why?
  12. Smiller1090


    I was given 3 one year old guinea, 2 female and one male. From what I’ve read they don’t lay in the winter due to lack of daylight. My question is are they like chickens in the matter that if I put a light on a timer for them will they lay through the winter?
  13. Smiller1090

    Mixing Turkeys and Guinea

    I have 6, 2 and 3/4 months old turkey poults. Today I picked up some chicks from a friend (will be separate from the turkeys) and she gave me 3 one year old guineas. Two female and one male. I live in town and the chickens will be at my house. The turkeys and guinea will be at the in-laws 5...
  14. Smiller1090

    Ground Bees

    A very large swarm of ground bees has decided to nest in my compost bin. We have very few number of warm days left. Should I try to rid them or just tolerate and let them be? So far they have not tried to sting us. They just showed up yesterday.
  15. Smiller1090

    Fencing Height

    How high can chickens jump/fly? I live in town and am wondering if I put a privacy fence up would it contain them to free range? Would I need to clip wings? Or should I just build a tractor?
  16. Smiller1090

    DIY Water Heaters

    Show me your DIY inexpensive water heaters because frankly I’m not spending $40 for the cheapest one at my local farm store!
  17. Smiller1090

    Nesting Boxes

    Does each hen need their own nesting box or will they share?
  18. Smiller1090

    Gender Change

    Can a male turn into a female? I think one of my Pekin males might be going through “the change”?! I know females can turn into males on a rare occasion but can that be the other way around?
  19. Smiller1090

    Sexing 5 Week old chicks

    I am picking up 7 5 week old chicks on Thursday. They are a mix of Black Sex Links, Grey Wyandotte’s and Black Wyandotte’s. I get to pick the 7 I want out of 18 chicks total. They are 5 weeks old. Any tips on what to look for would be great! Thanks
  20. Smiller1090

    First frost!

    My basil plant is about 4 years old. I pot it and bring it in every winter but I usually don’t have to until late October. We are getting our first frost early this year tonight. Should I go ahead and bring it in?
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