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  1. CayuseRanch

    2014 WTB Wish List

    Oh the anticipation....Is it time to start hatching yet? Here is a list of the breeds I want to Hatch out this year. Please comment or PM if you are interested in selling. I prefer to buy 8 - 12 at a time on chicken eggs due to shipping, incubation etc. If you have more than one breed all the...
  2. CayuseRanch

    First hatch of the year.

    Its rapidly approaching that time of year again! Hatch time...I do believe I need a little practice before the full season hits, so I have plugged in the Brinsea and started collecting eggs. Anyone want to join in? I am collecting my maran eggs to see if my rooster is doing his job. If I am...
  3. CayuseRanch

    Help how do I find a Mod?

    I started a thread for a BYC event and I need to update the first post which I have done several times before, but my edit button is missing? Can someone help me find a mod who is online now that can either help me or do the changes? Thanks
  4. CayuseRanch

    Someone clothe Arielle Contest ~~~>> Cinco De Mayo Hatch-A-Long Contest

    Welcome to the clothing Arielle Contest Poor BYC user Arielle has a Naked Avatar and needs our help! Here are the rules: (Kind of goes against Cinco de mayo policies to have rules huh) Cinco De Mayo participants are to submit your photo's or images below to enter. Each...
  5. CayuseRanch

    2013 P.O.O.P.S, People of Oklahoma Poultry Swap

    2013 POOPS Potluck & Poultry May 4th, 10:00am – 4:00pm Newcastle FFA Barn Much thanks to several previous POOPS Major Players for graciously sharing the POOPS title. This event is in no way an attempt to carry on in the grand scale of previous years, just lots of busy people that want to get...
  6. CayuseRanch

    WTB: BBS Cochin, Olive Egger, FBCM, Lavender Orp or Lavender Americana

    New incubator is on its way and I am wanting to enhance several of my breeds as well as start a few new ones. I know several of these breeds are sold individually, but I am hoping someone may be able to provide me with more than one breed to save time, money and shipping constraints. Will pay...
  7. CayuseRanch

    Can someone help me with Partridge color genetics?

    Ok, I have a black cochin roo over 2 partridge cochin hens. I hatched out one of their eggs in my last hatch to check fertility. I assumed since it kind of has a chipmunk look that it was partridge. I got online to the color calculator and it says that that I should only get black from this...
  8. CayuseRanch

    Gender with head spot

    So I am trying to sex my chicks with all the various techniques and see which is most accurate. The head spots all look the same to me so I thought I would let you guys weigh in. Also does any one know on feather sexin is it same length boy or girl.
  9. CayuseRanch

    Help. Dead chick broody hen

    Problem! Please help! This afternoon i got home to find chicky outside dead in the run and momma on nest. Did she get down and take baby with but leave behind? Did another hen steal her and kill it? There is no way the chick got out on it's own and momma seems protective. Could it have died and...
  10. CayuseRanch

    Am I a GLW?

    So I have 6 of these and I originally thought they were black sex links, now I am thinking GLW. They are from Hatchery not breeder and just came out of the pullet bin, so not really thinking they would be Show quality, just trying to identify the breed.
  11. CayuseRanch

    Black sex-link?

    These came out of the pullet bin and have grown super fast. I am thinking black sexlink, but as you can see there is definately some color variation on them.
  12. CayuseRanch

    What Breed am I?

    This little black gal came out of the pullet bin at Atwoods. She has not matured as quickly as my sexlinks or leghorn, so I am kind of ruling out a hybrid bird. What do you think? Maybe a Astrolorp?
  13. CayuseRanch

    What killed my pullet?

    So this morning as I was leaving for work went and did my Coop checks. Came to our new coop/run that has been under construction for the last month. The area they are in is completely enclosed with shade cloth on top. First I saw one pullet laying on her side and knew it did not bode well...
  14. CayuseRanch

    Newbie with Broody Day 2

    So the subject pretty much says it all. I am new to chickens (about 3 months now), have my first broody and set eggs under her tonight! Would love to have a hatching buddy or two as well as some experienced hatcher's and people who use broody to keep me in line! Here is my girl. She is a 2...
  15. CayuseRanch

    Our New Coop - In progress! **Updated pics post 5

    Hello, Fellow BYC'ers. I have often used this thread for ideas and just like to look at all the new designs. Well due to the fact that chicken math took a big hold on me. If you count chicks, we now have over 50! Our first coop which is attached to our barn has 12 standard sized birds. The...
  16. CayuseRanch

    Ingenious Web Designer needed 4 breed ID

    I had this idea several weeks ago and everytime I come to this page it keeps popping into my head. So I am going to post it here in hopes that we can bounce ideas and maybe one of the brilliant creators of the BYC will know a way to get it accomplished. I like so many on this thread have...
  17. CayuseRanch

    Breed Help ... Anyone??? Pics

    Still needing to identify these chicks. Chick 1 Thinking Black Sexlink on this one. (This one is pretty much solid black except some yellow on the belly and little white on the wings) The next 3, I do NOT think they are EE because their legs are yellow and they do not have face muffs...
  18. CayuseRanch

    I NEED HELP, My name is Amy and I have a chicken addiction

    Hello, my name is Amy and I have a chicken addiction. (The circle of onlookers say, "welcome Amy") It doesn't matter if I go to a swap, an auction, a fellow chicken owners home or a feed store, I always come home with chickens! It doesn't matter what age they are, what gender, what breed or...
  19. CayuseRanch

    Please HELP identify BREED of hens

    Im not breeding anything particular just have chickens for fun, but of course I would love to know what they are HAHA. This one I think is a cross of what though??? 7 months old This one's head is soo different and that beak! 8 months old The following pictures are of my Rooster. I...
  20. CayuseRanch

    A very confused Chicken...thoughts please

    So a little over a month ago after reading chicken for dummies books, I bought some young laying hens from a friend that got into chickens almost two years ago. He took me into his chicken coop and I picked out two chickens from his 1 year olds and 3 from his 7 month olds. Each pick was chosen...
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