Ingenious Web Designer needed 4 breed ID


8 Years
Apr 4, 2011
Newalla, Oklahoma
I had this idea several weeks ago and everytime I come to this page it keeps popping into my head. So I am going to post it here in hopes that we can bounce ideas and maybe one of the brilliant creators of the BYC will know a way to get it accomplished.

I like so many on this thread have chicks or chickens that we just can't identify. Wouldn't it be great if there was a website where you checked off the characteristics of your chick/chicken and it gave you the possible breeds?

For example...

4 toes or 5 toes

Rose Comb, single Comb, pea comb, three combs ( I think there is more but I dont know them)

Yellow legs, black legs, green legs, orange legs

bantam, standard, meatie


feathered shanks?

Im sure there are more areas and it wouldn't be an exact science, you might get more than one answer. Or to make it even better maybe you could check a certain hatchery and it could pull from those breeds! Im sure Google and Facebook were just an idea once too!
When I picked out my chick, I never knew how hard it would be to identify him/her. Sadly I have come to the realization that it is entirely possible I will never know what kind of chicken I have. I guess it really doesn’t matter because I will always love my little Tiger/Tiger Lilly.
T4 Turtle, I am right there with you. I still have 7 that I don't know the breeds on.

Any input on other areas of identification that could be in a check off type format?
Well, I kind of think it will be too hard. Some birds can have multi-colored chicks in one brood. Right? Like these Araucana Chicks?
But most araucana and EE have face muffs and green eggs, the only time I think it will be hard will be the mixed breeds and the non-standard. Personally I am hoping identification gets easier when they are older.

ooohhh color egg would be another factor.
I thought most EE have colored legs? Tigers are white/pinkish like a fleshy color, if that is a color.
So, this identifying tool would mostly help in older birds? I am learning more and more about chickens since I have one now, I never knew how many and how beautiful chickens could be! I absolutely love chickens!

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