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  1. herocomplex

    Perching on TOP of the coop?

    My lovely chickens (Maude and Eleanor) used to go to bed in their coop each night with no complaints, but lately they've started roosting on the very top of their coop. I know that they feel safer up there, but is this really something I should encourage? They're young now, but they're going to...
  2. herocomplex

    NO! BAD DOG!

    Well, my wife calls me today bawling her head off saying our beloved dog, Zoe, killed one of our lovely young Ameraucana chickens, Eleanor. We've been trying to train Zoe to leave them alone, but she's got a strong prey drive. She does well when we're present, but my wife let her out to pee on...
  3. herocomplex

    Chicken tractor - How much light in roost area?

    I've just built a chicken tractor with the roosting/nesting area above the run (Forsham Ark style) and I just realized that it's pretty much pitch dark up there. How can the chickens find their roosts? Do I need to put some skylights in for them?
  4. herocomplex

    Am I paranoid?? I'm starting to think she's a HE?

    I'm raising 2 beautiful Ameraucanas, Maude and Eleanor of peep-show fame ( ), and I'm starting to get paranoid after reading the other postings of roo fears. Since I've only got 2, it complicates things much more if my Maude is really a Mathias. Ok, now they're only...
  5. herocomplex

    Peepshow!!! Baby chicks web cam!

    I just got 2 Ameraucana chicks and this is my first time with chickens. I'm very excited and a tad scared, but they seem to be doing fine. I've set up a 24/7 webcam on them for everyone to enjoy! Please don't hesitate to post suggestions, criticisms, advice, whatever on what you see. I'm just...
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