
In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 12, 2008
Fayetteville, AR
Well, my wife calls me today bawling her head off saying our beloved dog, Zoe, killed one of our lovely young Ameraucana chickens, Eleanor. We've been trying to train Zoe to leave them alone, but she's got a strong prey drive. She does well when we're present, but my wife let her out to pee on her own, and horrible screaming sounds soon resonated from under our deck. My wife was sick with despair, feeling it was her fault for not watching Zoe. She could see Eleanor's lifeless body under the deck, but couldn't get to her easily. What's even worse, we only raised two chicks and they are inseperable, so Maude is peep-crying and searching for her sister. Oh god, what am I going to do now?

I head home to try to figure something out and just before I arrive, my wife calls back screaming, "SHE'S ALIVE! Eleanor's alive! I just looked in the coop, and there are 2 chickens!" Apparently, Eleanor had been playing dead for 10 minutes (or passed out from shock). I guess she eventually came to and high-tailed it to the coop. While a bit more wary now, she doesn't appear injured.

Afterwards, my wife said, "And I didn't even think I liked them." Hehe.

I will certainly be fast tracking a more aggressive training policy. MY CHICKENS! PAWS OFF!
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Please check her over head to toe. Dog saliva can create infection that can be fatal. Look for any punctures or tears in her skin. Clean with saline and coat them in neosporin.
I am glad Eleanor came back to life! I have had good experience with shock collars. I haven't tried it for training dogs not to get chickens, but I have seen it work miracles with other problems. I know a lot of people think they sound mean, but dogs learn quickly- usually just one shock and problem solved. It saves a lot of heartache for both the owner and the dog.

I used to have a chicken named Eleanor

And dont let the dog out if the chickens are loose! Please I am so sick of hearing about someones dog kiling their chicks when a dog will be a dog when it want sto be a dog. Prevention is key and even then if they want one bad enough they will find a way.
I'll tell you what I am doing to train my neighbors dog away from my birds. I have a training collar that zaps them for bad behaviors and I carry thr transmitter in my hand. When the dog comes over I put the collar on it. When it aprroaches my chickens it gets a really good zap and goes home. I only had to do it once so far and the dog now thinks chickens really hurt! Might be a good idea for you
I would pretty much think that your dog should never be trusted to do ANYthing outside alone if the chickens are loose. Keep the dog in, or keep the chickens in a pen. Don't go through this again.
I borrowed a shock collar and taught Freddie that guineas were not to be chased. He leaves them alone, 100% of the time. (but he is an odd dog)

I may have to borrow it again for the chickens.
I'll check her more closely MissPrissy, thanks.

I love my dog very much, but I've been considering more dedicated training to help her control her prey drive in general. If she sees a squirrel and bolts for it, ignoring my commands, she can get herself injured or killed very quickly. I've been doing light training and it has improved her control a good deal. I will be beginning more dedicated training with a shock collar, to help remove my presence from the situation. If the discomfort is coming from the CHICKENS and not from me, I think we'll have more success.

Yes, I know she's a dog and I don't blame her for her instincts. She's also a smart dog and can learn. I'll NEVER trust her 100%, I just need to improve the current trust.

P.S. Thanks for moving the post.
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Oh Jeeze, poor Eleanor...I've been there with that Jerry when Tom was killed by a raccoon. That's one of the worst sounds you ever wanna hear your birdie make.
I'm so glad that Maude didn't lose her friend...
And poor DW didn't have a heart attack...

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