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    Helpful poultry/farming books and magazines you have read.

    Have you ever read a really helpful book or magazine about chickens/poultry/farming and just wanted to tell more people about it? Well, Here's your chance. Post pics of the book, or links for where to buy the book, what you thought about the book, and how it helped you. Suggest helpful books and...
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    Opinions Please!!!

    Ok I made this Business card in Paint Shop Pro and I need opinions about it...I am planning on placing these in my neighbors mail box along with my phone number/address so I can get the word out that I have eggs to sale....what do you think about it?....would you call me and ask about my...
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    How should I clean my coop?

    I have been reading about the deep litter method and at first I loved the idea of it and then I read about it and I dont like it any more I dont like that you have to stir it up so the poop goes to the bottom and I dont like that it can be 10'' deep before you are supposed to clean it. I wanted...
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    Any one getting new birds this spring??? Please tell us here :)

    I want to see how many people are getting new chickens this spring. and what breed? how many are you getting? and why are you getting them eggs? meat? or just as pets? I am getting 16 hens around the end of march the breeds are Easter Egg, Production Red, Welsummer, Plymouth Barred Rock...
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    How much do you think it would cost to build a 10' x 10' chicken coop?

    So I have been do my research and I think layers need 2-4 square ft. per bird is that right? How many square ft. do you have per bird in your coop? I am planning on getting 20 layers I think I have a coop design I would like to build I...
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