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  1. ChaoticCritters

    Dog mauled my chicken

    The neighbor's dog was over here AGAIN last night, I didn't see anything but the neighbor hauling his dog away as I was leaving. Sent kid out to check on the chickens and she said everyone was fine... well she miscounted and this morning a frost covered chicken came slowly walking up to me. Her...
  2. ChaoticCritters

    Nearly headless chicken?

    Hysterical child found a nearly decapitated hen today. We free-range our chickens as the ONLY predator we have seen (or lost a chicken to) in the past several years is a coyote. Chicken appears to have no signs of trauma other than she now resembles Nearly Headless Nick from Harry Potter. 2...
  3. ChaoticCritters

    Egg hiding..... darn chickens!

    I thought the heat was why I went from 6-7 eggs a day to 1-3 until I realized that a certain lil lady who is known for egg-hiding didn't show up for treats mid-morning. Went poking around and found her fuzzy butt buried in my haystack sitting on 9 eggs! 5 of which floated, so I dumped. My...
  4. ChaoticCritters

    Chick swaying slightly?

    I bought a Silver Laced Wyandotte today along with a Rhode Island Red. The Rhode Island Red is running around and acting complete normal, the Wyandotte however sways slightly when it stands and when originally set into the brooder it seemed to have difficulty walking in the shavings. It...
  5. ChaoticCritters

    Won't leave the coop

    I recently integrated my 2 8wk old Cuckoo Marans (1 hen, 1 Rooster) with my other 8 hens (7 are 1yr old, 1 is 2yrs old) and everything seemed to go well. They got picked on a bit but that only lasted maybe 2 days and there were no missing feathers or actual injuries. 2 days ago, one of my lovely...
  6. ChaoticCritters

    Integrating my new chickens into existing flock?

    I currently have a random assortment of 9 hens, 8 are almost a year old and 1 is almost 2 years old. I added the 9th one about 3 months ago, a friend had her coop raided by a raccoon and everyone was killed except one poor hen who was guarding the body of one of her deceased friends and attacked...
  7. ChaoticCritters

    Oh dear, do I have a rooster?

    I bought a couple Cuckoo Maran chicks a while ago from a local feed shop that were "guaranteed" hens. I bought a motley assortment of chicks last summer and all are happily laying hens, so I figured I was safe buying more. They are 5-6 weeks I am guessing? I can't remember when I bought them...
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