Oh dear, do I have a rooster?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 14, 2012
I bought a couple Cuckoo Maran chicks a while ago from a local feed shop that were "guaranteed" hens. I bought a motley assortment of chicks last summer and all are happily laying hens, so I figured I was safe buying more.

They are 5-6 weeks I am guessing? I can't remember when I bought them! Anyways after feathering out, one is dark grey/white and the other is black/white, very easy to tell apart. What is worrying me is that the dark one has an itty bitty yellow comb and the lighter one has a bright red comb that is easily 2-3x the size of the other.

The "guarantee" I believe is limited to the store taking back the offending rooster and giving me another baby chick and of course, they have no more Cuckoo Marans. My kids are very attached to Chocolate and Fudge and have been begging for a Rooster but the hubby said absolutely NO. We ended up with a couple Roosters (Kindergarten hatching project) and they drove him crazy crying at our backdoor wanting in, launching themselves at his office window constantly and crowing at all hours of the day/night (only ours were crow-challenged and sounded like they were choking to death and dying). He was only too happy when animal control come by and confiscated them as we were only zoned for hens.

We recently bought a small farm, so I can legally own roosters but there's the whole mad hubby issue AND all the feed store has is itty bitty chicks. If I bring my "rooster" back, I'll have a single lonely chick as it's too small to go in with my big chickens or I'll have one bitty chicken and one medium sized chicken and I'm afraid the bitty one will be harassed non-stop, neither of my current chicks are very nice, they fight constantly. So now what? Wait it out and see if it starts crowing eventually? I let the kids buy a whole motley assortment of chickens since all we were buying was hens so if somehow hubby didn't turn the Rooster into dinner, I could end up with some really mixed breed baby chicks... I've got Buff Brahmas, Black Cochins, Partridge Cochins, Ameracaunas, Production Reds and a black & white speckled hen who I have no clue the breed of (older hen gifted to us). Not to mention the couple who purchases my extra eggs only does so because I have no roosters within a mile of me, so no fear of finding a partially developed chick in an egg.
No one should be finding partially developed chicks if eggs are gathered daily, or even every three days!!!

Development does not occur if the egg in a nest is not incubated, and that means covered 24/7 by a hen, not just laid and left.
No one should be finding partially developed chicks if eggs are gathered daily, or even every three days!!!
Development does not occur if the egg in a nest is not incubated, and that means covered 24/7 by a hen, not just laid and left.

Totally true story, there.

Your chick sounds very suspicious, but without pictures, it's USELESS!! ha ha ha!

I'd talk to your dh- tell him that if it IS a rooster, you have two choices: keep him and have a rooster or 2: exchange him and buy 2-3 chicks because a single chick wouldn't do well. That way, if you keep the rooster, it's with his blessing, and if chicken math takes over, he took a part in the decision and can't get irritated. If you do pick up a couple chicks, get them all to be the same breed, so if you get ANOTHER rooster, you'll have a backup pullet.
Okay, I never even considered partially developed chicks until this couple was being all paranoid about it. Never occurred to me to check out the validity of their concerns, I just pointed out that since I have all hens and all my neighbors, who are 40+ acres away from me as it is, have all hens so not a concern!

I'll get pictures of poor lil Chocolate... boy I'm hoping I have a hen since my other concern is overcrowding my coop if I need to buy even more chicks!
You can't get rid of him - he is to sweet!

Don't tell hubby anything and wait till he starts crowing. Hopefully he will have a nice crow! In your new place you should have room to keep him far enough away form the house.

I have never found a chick in an egg even with all my roosters and hens mixed together. This will never be a concern if you collect the eggs regularly enough and only eggs under a broody hen will develop anyway.

My ducks produce so many eggs I give them to my friends and also a local shop. However there is a couple live next door who were horrified when I offered them some eggs because they thought they might have chicks in (these people only eat food from the supermarket with dates and lists of ingredients on them). They also thought the eggs might be rotten because they were collected the day before and had not been in a fridge! Honesty some people have no idea. If the eggs had been sprayed with chemicals and preservatives and wrapped in plastic then they would love them.

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