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  • Users: cmeng
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  1. cmeng

    Strange Sound

    Hi Everyone, We have a girl -- 2 years old -- who just started making the strangest sound -- like a whimper croak-- and has been making it for the last hour almost without ceasing. Otherwise she's acting completely normal -- hanging around the flock, drinking water, pecking at food. Has...
  2. cmeng

    Predator Attack

    She made it through the night. She ate some scrambled egg and drank a little water. I'm hopeful that she'll make it. We'll keep her in for a couple more days, just because of the sub-zero temperatures and wanting to make sure she heals properly. Thank you so much!!
  3. cmeng

    Predator Attack

    Thank you so much. This is very helpful. She's inside and quiet, and the bleeding seems to have stopped, so we'll see how the night goes. We did find the little one, after three hours of searching. She obviously was scared, and had burrowed herself under a dense bush on the edge of the...
  4. cmeng

    Predator Attack

    Hello, I interrupted an attack by what looked like an owl in our coop this afternoon (it flew so fast and was in the dark coop so it was hard to tell). We have one missing bird (the youngest -- not quite full size) and one girl whose head is injured, but it's tough to say how badly. There's...
  5. cmeng

    Baby Rules the Coop

    Do you think it would be okay to move her to a safe dog cage (with hay, food, and water, etc.)? It's the only thing I have that I could reasonably contain her in. It's about 3 feet long and 1.5 feet wide, and probably 2.5 feet high, so not a ton of room for mom and baby, but a little. Maybe...
  6. cmeng

    Baby Rules the Coop

    Hi y'all, So, I had to leave town for a number of weeks, and (thankfully) my neighbors took care of my chickens while I was gone. Upon returning this morning, I've discovered one of our hens hatched a beautiful baby chick! She's 3 weeks old and happy and healthy, by all accounts. But something...
  7. cmeng

    distress before laying?

    Thanks!! It turns out, she was REALLY in the throes of labor because she laid her first egg about an hour later. We were so excited and proud of her! I've got golf balls in their laying boxes. Seems to be working well. :)
  8. cmeng

    distress before laying?

    Hello All, I have a hens (18 weeks) who seem ready to start laying, from what I've been told. These are my first hens! A couple of them are making really loud "bok bok bickgock" sounds that I've told might precede laying -- but they're also making other sounds, that sound like distress sounds...
  9. cmeng

    chick temperature

    Sounds like you're fine to me!! As long as they're not all huddled together under the lamp, and are eating well and reasonably active (my chicks slept a lot the first two weeks of their lives, but sprung to action any time I came around with food), I think you're fine.
  10. cmeng

    ten day old chicks in new brooder

    Hello everyone, I just moved my ten day old chicks into a bigger brooder (they were starting to fly and seemed to be getting agitated by the smaller space). But since they've moved in (just a few hours) they've not stopped chirping loudly (not all ten of them -- maybe just two or three). The...
  11. cmeng

    chick temperature

    Thanks everyone. It looks like somewhere between 80 and 85 is perfect for them. So glad to have this forum so I can ask!!
  12. cmeng

    chick temperature

    Hi! My baby chicks (first time chicken mother) are 6 days old. I've read that we should keep them at about 95 degrees, but this just seems way too hot for them (they cluster on the far side of the brooder). I keep raising the lamp, and now they're at 85 degrees, but they still avoid the heat...
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