Predator Attack


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 2, 2012

I interrupted an attack by what looked like an owl in our coop this afternoon (it flew so fast and was in the dark coop so it was hard to tell). We have one missing bird (the youngest -- not quite full size) and one girl whose head is injured, but it's tough to say how badly. There's blood running down her head on both sides of her head, but her comb is in tact. We can't tell how deep the cut is. We separated her from the flock and put her in her own clean and warm space (it's freezing outside). She's standing up, but won't eat or drink, and seems to be in shock.

This is our first flock, so I don't have any experience with this. Is there anything we should be doing that I haven't mentioned here?

Thanks so much --
If she is not in the house for warmth I would bring her inside. Check her wounds and make sure any bleeding has stopped. Apply pressure to the wound for a few minutes, then if it is still bleeding, apply blood stop powder or flour. Later you can clean the wounds with weak Betadine, Hibiclens, or antibacterial soap and water. Apply plain Neosporin ointment or other brand. Until she is out of shock, leave her alone after the bleeding has stopped. When they are in shock, it is possible that they won't make it. When she comes around, then clean wounds, and offer scrambled egg or chicken feed mixed with a little buttermilk, and fresh water. Later on you might think about using an antibiotic. I hope she make it, and I hope you find the little one.
Thank you so much. This is very helpful. She's inside and quiet, and the bleeding seems to have stopped, so we'll see how the night goes.

We did find the little one, after three hours of searching. She obviously was scared, and had burrowed herself under a dense bush on the edge of the property so she was entirely invisible. It appeared she planned to sleep there, because we didn't find her until after sunset (which would have been terrible, as we're supposed to have a wind chill of -14 tonight). But she's in the coop now, and hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Thanks again!
You have received great instruction here so follow it and keep her warm to help bring her out of any worsening problems
She made it through the night. She ate some scrambled egg and drank a little water. I'm hopeful that she'll make it. We'll keep her in for a couple more days, just because of the sub-zero temperatures and wanting to make sure she heals properly. Thank you so much!!
It's great that she is eating and awake now. If her wounds are deep, there may be puncture wounds that could abscess. Make sure those are cleaned out well and apply the Neosporin ointment. Antibiotics such as Clavamox, amoxicillin, keflex or cephalexin, or penicillin might be helpful. BluKote may be sprayed on her wounds (cover her eyes) later to keep her from being pecked by the others. Good luck with her.

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