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  1. chickenlover98

    Does anybody on BYC use Blogger?

    I'm just wondering because I was thinking about making a blog about my chickens, and I wanted to hear your thoughts on the site. THANKS!
  2. chickenlover98

    Big Brother 13

    Hello again! If some of you big brother fans out there remember all the way back to last summer, you may recall a big brother 12 thread started by me. This year I'm starting up a Big Brother 13 thread! This thread is just for talking about the houseguests, sharing your opinions of the game (Keep...
  3. chickenlover98

    When will...

    Backyard Chickens have its own app for the iphone/ipad? Our site is growing bigger everyday, and wouldn't it be cool to have byc in your pocket? It's just a suggestion, but I like the idea!
  4. chickenlover98

    700th Post!!

    YEAH! 1,000 posts, here i come!!!!
  5. chickenlover98

    Big Brother 12

    Hi all, I know alot of you watch Big Brother, and here is the place to talk about it! Who do you think will be the next head of household? Who do you want evicted? Post here! Just keep it clean, folks! I will be editing to post who the HOH is for each week, and who is evicted! HOH 1: Hayden...
  6. chickenlover98

    McDonald's Shamrock Shake

    WOW! I love the McDonald's Shamrock Shake!!! How bout u guys?
  7. chickenlover98

    What happend to "Crazy C"?

    Do any of you remember crazy c? Can i have permisson to start it again? It was such a fun game!
  8. chickenlover98

    **Cochin Contest** ends August 30th! RESULTS!

    Hi all! This is a contest to show off your cochins! Any type of cochin can enter, and the judges will be horselover98 and i. Sory no prize and the contest ends august 30. So with that being said..... LET THE CONTEST BEGIN!!! And when i am juging, the results will be posted as "best roo"...
  9. chickenlover98

    What your fave carnival or fair ride?

    Hi ppl! I know you all have gone to fairs and carnivals, And i just love the ferris whell, and the tilt-a-whirl! I went to the fair today, and i went on the ferris wheel 4 times, and the tilt-a-whirl 4 times. Post here your fave ride!
  10. chickenlover98

    Sunburn- any remedies?

    Hi all! I got some sunburn today and it really hurts, does anyone have any tips or remedies to share? Thanks!- chickenlover98!
  11. chickenlover98


    hey is there anyone on byc who has fring?
  12. chickenlover98

    Byc campout!!!

    Hi y'all! I'm inviting all of you to my official byc campout! Well make smores and toast hot dogs over the fire! So bring a tent and sleeping bag, and maybe a flashlight too, and come and have fun all day and night long!!
  13. chickenlover98

    Caption contest ends August 17th! RESULTS!!!

    Hi all! Welcome to yet another caption contest! Ends August 17th, sorry no prize, and i will be the judge! Let the Contest BEGIN!! EDIT: Oh yeah, and you can have 6 entries or less!
  14. chickenlover98


    Hey! Has anyone ever heard of It's a fun harry potter site. I a member, is anyone else?
  15. chickenlover98

    Twitter: anyone have an account?

    Hi! I just recently signed up for twitter, and was wondering if anyone else is signed up. thanks! chickenlover98
  16. chickenlover98

    Twilight fan club!!

    Welcome to the twilight fan club! Anyone who likes twilight, check it out! You can just come and post about twilight, and if anyone has any suggestions for the club, let me know!
  17. chickenlover98

    Chicken saddle makers?

    Hi! Is anyone out there a chicken saddle maker/seller?
  18. chickenlover98

    This will be my first hatch!

    Hi! I am hatching eggs and am already a week and a half into it, and only a week and a half 2 go! I have a question? Will cross-breeds hatch? Like a partridge cochin and a buttercup? Thanks!
  19. chickenlover98

    Anyone here sell chicken saddles?

    Hi! does anyone here sell or know of any sites that sell chicken saddles?
  20. chickenlover98

    please delete

    sorry please delete
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