Big Brother 13


11 Years
Jul 21, 2008
Hello again! If some of you big brother fans out there remember all the way back to last summer, you may recall a big brother 12 thread started by me. This year I'm starting up a Big Brother 13 thread! This thread is just for talking about the houseguests, sharing your opinions of the game (Keep it clean!) and other such things. And remember-- HAVE FUN!
Finding Rachel SOOOOO anyoing
orgenal 8 hope they last.
I LOVE Jeff and Jordan..

I have bittersweet memories as well.. My Mama and I used to talk about the show on the phone.. alot of times while it was airing.. Lost my Mama in January.. so it was sad to watch it alone.. I chose to go down to a neighbors for the first night.. saved Mama a seat next to me.

I do not like "Evil Dick" .. it will be interesting to see how the two rockers will get along in the house... I like the motorcycle guy and well Jeff and Jordan at this point.

First of all, I'm sorry for your loss

I too have the same feelings about 'Evil Dick'. I remember watching him in his season and hating him all the way through. I'm definitely going to be rooting for Jeff and Jordan this season. I'm also kinda excited for Rachel too be back-- she'll make this season interesting and she'll torment the newbies!!!

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