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  1. Berkley

    All my Hens and Ducks Have Stopped Laying / Not From Molt

    About two months ago, all of my first year hens quit laying eggs. I have two other small flocks of older hens, and they were still laying and had not yet molted. The first year hens are a mixed flock of Golden Comets, Buff Orpington, Australorp, and Barred Rock. They had really all just started...
  2. Berkley

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I have a Pekin who had the same problem with his legs. I gave him the niacin at the time, and it didn't really seem to help. It may have helped by just not letting it get any worse. He is now fully grown and can walk around, but not like the other ducks. He falls over fairly easy when the other...
  3. Berkley

    Different Grit?

    I typically buy grit at the feed store, and I believe it is crushed granite, and the other is oyster shell for their calcium. I am a general contractor though, and have access to a lot of other natural stone from tear outs. I was wondering if you can give chickens crushed marble? or crushed...
  4. Berkley

    Figured Out How Many Cups of Feed Equals One Pound!!

    I have four different types of feeders, including the ones most people on here seem to use. I went by these measurements, and threw in a little extra. The first two days they ate it quickly and still just picked out what they want. Now they are eating even the smallest pieces, and there is...
  5. Berkley

    Figured Out How Many Cups of Feed Equals One Pound!!

    This has REALLY helped me. I started offering free choice in both my coops a while back, and my feed cost has trippled. I discovered that even with the crumble I'm feeding that they seem to be picking out the little pieces of corn and other little pieces of what they like, and they are knocking...
  6. Berkley

    Chickens Eating To Much Grit

    I have a coop and run with two roos and a pullet in it. Recently one of the roos, around three months old, started "eating" the grit. He actually goes for the grit over feed and even treats like fresh greens. Now the other roo is following his lead and they are both trying to eat as much as they...
  7. Berkley

    How to get rid of mites?

    Thanks for the advice. Has anyone ever used boric acid? I read on a website about using it, but they didn't give directions. I know that stuff is deadly to pests, so I wouldn't want to just use it without knowing how. I think they put it in their dust bath, but I figure they would inhale it then.
  8. Berkley

    How to get rid of mites?

    I noticed yesterday that some of my chickens had either pulled out some feathers, or maybe fought and some came out? I haven't seen any mites, but it got me worried. Can anyone give me any ideas on how to prevent or get rid of them? All I have been able to find is info on DE, and I have used it...
  9. Berkley

    Question About Purina Crumbles Feed?

    Purina Dog Cow, Chicken Feed, and Layena are all part of Purina parent company. Thats why they all have the little red and white checkered logos on them. I've never had chickens before, so I wanted the medicated to be on the safe side, until I learn what I'm doing. I tried to expose them to...
  10. Berkley

    Question About Purina Crumbles Feed?

    I pretty much detest Purina products, as I had two dogs both develop stomach problems on it years ago. However, it is the only medicated chick start and grow the TSC in my area sells. I had chicks and pullets, so I was getting that for them. Now the chicks are pullets, and the pullets are hens...
  11. Berkley

    Question About Purina Crumbles Feed?

    I bought a forty/fifty pound bag of the Purina Start and Grow when I first got my chicks and pullets. The bag had quite a bit of powder in it and I thought that was normal. ( I'm new to chickens. ) I ended up getting a second big bag of it, and it had a lot of powder in it. I would say the feed...
  12. Berkley

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    Thats pretty much exactly what they did. Someone else was standing there and they were trying their best to sound like they knew what they were talking about.
  13. Berkley

    Do eggs need to be refrigerated or not?

    So... If I have en egg that is dirty/has some poop on it, am I supposed to wash it and put it in the fridge? Or can I use the dry rag method to just wipe away excess poop and put it into the fridge? I read that cold water can cause the egg to suck in bacteria through the shell, but will putting...
  14. Berkley

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    Someone told me I have to have a rooster in order to get eggs. When I explained you didn't, they changed it to, "the eggs just wont be as good when you eat them then."
  15. Berkley

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Our first egg. I'm not sure if it is from my 7 month old Light Brahma, or my 17 week old Tetra Tint. Its very small so I was thinking the Tetra, but the Brahma has been showing more signs that she might be ready to lay. I thought Tetra Tints would lay a light creme colored egg, but I have seen a...
  16. Berkley

    RIP Kramer

    Sorry to hear about your loss. Losing any kind of a pet is hard, because they are often members of our families. I'm new to chickens, so I haven;t lost one yet, but I know it will eventually happen and I'm not looking forward to it. I wish you and your husband the best.
  17. Berkley

    Can someone tell me if they are a rooster

    With the new pictures, I think the black one is a roo and the white one is a pullet. Is the white one a Leghorn?
  18. Berkley

    Can someone tell me if they are a rooster

    They both look like pullets to me, but I'm new to owning chickens and wouldn't trust my opinion. I just wanted to make a guess based on what I've been reading on here.
  19. Berkley

    Help With Problem Chick

    No, I'm not sure at all it is a rooster. I was just basing that on what a couple of other posters said. I also meant that I thought they may be Golden Commets, not RSL. I got it confused because they are both dark. ( I don't know much about chickens and these are my first ones. ) The gold sex...
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