Help With Problem Chick

No, I'm not sure at all it is a rooster. I was just basing that on what a couple of other posters said. I also meant that I thought they may be Golden Commets, not RSL. I got it confused because they are both dark. ( I don't know much about chickens and these are my first ones. ) The gold sex links may be it. Both of the darker ones have an orangish tint to them in certain light. The smaller red one has a bunch of white tail feathers on one side of its tail, and when it opens its wings, but the larger one has no white in it anywhere. The larger one does have a lot of lighter colored feathers, kind of like a light tan, but no white yet. The combs on both of the redish colored ones are much bigger then the one on the white one, and they turned red a lot earlier. The white ones comb is just now starting to get a little pink color to it, and was yellow up until a day or two ago. I'm not even sure both of the red ones are from the same hatch. They said they were, but the darker red one is probably 1/3rd larger then the other two. I don't know if it is older, or if it is because it is a possible rooster? or what? Everyone says that it looks like a rooster, but I read on here that hens develope faster. so I don't know...

I went to a local chicken swap at Tractor Supply today, and bought a Tetra Tint pullet from a woman who seemed very reputable. They had a nice professional set-up, and her birds looked A LOT better then some of the others there. The Tertra Tints and Rhode Island whites both looked almost just like the white one that I have. The Rhode Island Whites were about the same age, and looked exactly like the white one I have. The Tetra Tints were almost three months old and bigger then mine, so I can't say for sure, but they looked like it as well.I wish I had bought my birds from this woman to start with, and may from now on. I have to build a bigger coop and bigger run before I can get more though...but I probably will because I am hooked.

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