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  1. FlyOverZone

    3 month old female Indian Runner acting Strangely

    I have about a dozen ducks. 6 of them are runners. The oldest one is a White 3 month old female who in the last day or two began acting "quiet". I let the birds out to free range, but she now prefers to stay in the pen. she keeps her bill tucked close to her heaved chest. she walks around with...
  2. FlyOverZone

    Duckling with . . . . bent legs?

    I suspect it needs niacin. Should a tape its legs? If so, How? It"s about a month old Runner.
  3. FlyOverZone

    Cochin pullet or cockerel

    Is this a hen or a rooster
  4. FlyOverZone

    Missing Chicken During Blizzard

    Colorado got a pretty big snow storm yesterday. I notice during the storm one of the hens was missing. I figured she just hunkered down in an evergreen or somewhere and I'd see her at sundown at the chicken coop. Roost time came and went and no chicken. I thought when the sun comes up she would...
  5. FlyOverZone

    Is This Normal? Pekin Ducks Stopped Laying? . . . Or Are Eating Eggs?

    I have 2 Pekin hens. During the Winter I would get an occasional egg, but about a month ago even the occasional egg stopped. I look around the pen every day and there are no duck eggs. I have 4 Easter Egger hens and their nest box is in the same pen. I don't notice any missing or partially eaten...
  6. FlyOverZone

    Narragansett and Standard Bronze Questions

    I don't have them yet, but I want to be prepared. Turkey Chick Brooder Temps. I have chickens and ducks and know there is quite a difference in temp needs between them. What temperatures, and how long do Turkeys need to be in a temperature controlled environment? Narragansetts Roost. How...
  7. FlyOverZone

    Explain Nest Boxes to me like I'm a Space Alien Farmer.

    I have 4 24 week old EE hens. I let them out during the day, so maybe they've laid their 1st egg and I just haven't stumbled across it. so, I'm working on the premise that my chickens haven't laid any eggs. I suspect I should make a nest box, but I don't know the 1st thing about what one...
  8. FlyOverZone

    Lame Duck

    Every morning I let my Pekin Ducks and Chickens out to run around and eat bugs and plants. This afternoon while giving them pieces of tomato, I noticed one of my female ducks was limping up to me. She doesn't have a wound. She's not bleeding. Nothing seems broken or even swollen. She just limps...
  9. FlyOverZone

    I Need Help with an Overly Amorous Rooster

    Stats involved in issue 4 Pekin Ducks 2 Drakes 2 hens 18 weeks 4 Easter Egger hens 18 weeks 1 Easter Egger Rooster 18 weeks old 3 Easter Egger hens 9 to 13 weeks old All of the 18 week old birds were purchased at a few days old, at the same place, and all raised together. The 3 younger...
  10. FlyOverZone

    Duck Waterer AquaDuc T?

    Does anybody know anything about a modified round drinkers ‘AquaDuc T’ for Pekin Ducks?
  11. FlyOverZone

    It's Definitely a Rooster . . . . . . Right?

    I bought EE pullets, but I'm 95% sure this one isn't. He is the same size as the others, but he often acts differently than the others. He's the Last to go to bed, he is more aggressive in personality, etc. Anyone want to confirm or deny his gender?
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