Narragansett and Standard Bronze Questions


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 29, 2013
I don't have them yet, but I want to be prepared.

Turkey Chick Brooder Temps.

I have chickens and ducks and know there is quite a difference in temp needs between them. What temperatures, and how long do Turkeys need to be in a temperature controlled environment?

Narragansetts Roost. How high is too high for a roosting spot. I have plans for 5 feet off the ground. I'm thinking S Bronzes don't roost, but are like the ducks I have just sleep on the ground. Do I have that wrong?

Is there anything I should know about free ranging Narragansetts, Orpingtons, Easter Eggers and Pekins together?

I'm really new at this so basic breed information will be greatly appreciated.
Standard bronze and narragansett are basically the same type just different colors.

I have roosts at 2 feet and 4 feet. But my birds will use them when they want. But love to roost on top of their 6 foot pen. Sometimes if they take a notion will roost 30 feet up a tree.

Brooder temps 90 to 95 fir 1st week the reduce 5 degrees a week.

I have brooded chickens and turkeys together no problem.

I free range birds when not laying with my chickens. So far I have been fortunate and have no problems or disease crossover.

I like to keep my birds if possible brooded for 6 to 8 weeks.

What I was told one time and found to be true is.
"A cold wet poult is a dead poult".

My luck is if I can get them to about 4 minths old they are hearty and will survive. The first 2 to 3 months they seem to find a way to die.

Turkeys are a blast. But definitely can be frustrating at times. Enjoy what ever variety you get.
You'll love them! Go to Porters Heritage turkeys site. FULL of great info on the heritage breeds. Don't forget they do fly!
I brood at 95-100 for the first week, you have to spend time showing them how to eat and drink for the first week, keep them off shavings for a bit, I use paper towels, and they are quite clumsy, so shiny blue stones in their waterer to attract them and keep them from drowning, and I also put a teaspoon of brown sugar to a quart of water for the first week to give them an energy boost.

I have never lost a poultry and I find them hardy after 3 weeks and get them outside for a bit during the day, though I usually don't get or hatch any until June or July.

My roosts are 3, 4 and 5 foot off the ground, and they are 2x4 with the 4 up. Broad breasted should not roost high, mine are heritage.

Mine will chase and harass the chickens especially when under a year old, I have had turkeys kill a young rooster, so mine free range together but go back to their pen and the chickens can get away from them.
My Narragansetts free ranged, and chose to roost very high up in our evergreen trees. I'm talking probably 25 to 30 feet up. They are great flyers. They never would go back into the coop at night, though. They also, eventually left home for parts unknown, due to the stress my rooster was putting on the Tom by chasing him around and thumping on him every chance he got. I still miss them. The rooster doesn't.
I have raised both heritage and commercial turkeys. they have slightly different needs and are a joy to raise whether its for your table or as pets. (Don't name them if they are for your table ;-) )

For heritage birds.
Breeding season here doesn't kick off until April.
I keep mine in a brooder tote for a few days until I'm confident they are eating and drinking properly, then I transfer them to an outdoor brooder coop with a heat lamp. At 2 weeks old I open the hatch door and cover it with mesh during the day so that they can get accustomed to seeing outdoors. They love to sunbathe in front of the door.
From about 3 or 4 days I pick fresh grass and cut it up into tiny clippings for them as a treat. They go nuts over it!

At 3 weeks old I open the hatch door for them to access their own run.

By 2 to 3 weeks old they are already making their way up to the roost perches 3 feet up. I have a long tree for a perch but they prefer the flat 2x3 timber as a perch.

Once I am confident they come to me when called I take them out for a walk about in the morning, before feeding them is best otherwise they have no interest in coming back in ;-)

I feed them turkey starter until 6 weeks old then switch to turkey grower which I feed to all of my adult turkeys, chickens and guineas. (layers/breeders are offered crushed oyster shell free choice)

I've previously never lost poults and they grow up to be strong and very hardy birds as well as very friendly and managable.

This year however I raised 25 poults with 15 chicken chicks. This year we had a coccidiosis outbreak and lost 11 poults before we had it under control. The chicks never developed symptoms. We were lucky it wasnt Blackhead.

Last year I raised 6 commercial (broad breasted) turkeys, we can only buy poults at 2 -4 weeks old here.
They grew big fast! I called them all Bernard (even the girls hahaha!) They slept on the ground at night and were very active during the day as 4 heritage Royal Palm poults were raised with them. The Bernards were very inquisitive and followed us everywhere.
We raised them to 18 weeks. The largest tom weighed in at 35lbs dressed. The smallest hen weighed in at 26lbs.
We lost one at 16weeks when we found him on his back - probably a heart attack. I was so upset to lose one at that size.

The commercial birds eat A LOT! and drink a lot too.

I hope you enjoy raising turkeys....they are a hoot!

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