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  1. kellykate

    11 week “sexed” Polish?!

    Pretty sure our sexed Polish is a cockerel. Feathers are fairly rounded and poof is too… but those waddles 🤷🏻‍♀️
  2. kellykate

    Waiting on a quack!

    Oh good -- didn't know it was that late. Guess we'll keep waiting! Thanks
  3. kellykate

    Waiting on a quack!

    We love this sweet Ancona but are still unsure on gender! He/she is 11 weeks old. No quacking-- still peeping like a duckling? Is this normal? No drake feather- any other ways to tell. We're 99% sure the welsh harlequin buddy is a drake!
  4. kellykate

    9 week EE mix- roo?

    Hmm let me hijack my own thread then... These are from the same EE barnyard hatch. 1) Almost 100% that this is a hen. 2)Some Silkie in this one. 3) Number one of the twins 4) Number two of the twins Thanks!
  5. kellykate

    9 week EE mix- roo?

    Thanks-- good news is it makes me think the four others whose combs are barely pink are hens!
  6. kellykate

    9 week EE mix- roo?

    Pretty sure this is a cockerel! Any ideas- EE barnyard mix- 9 weeks
  7. kellykate

    6 weeks-- 1 cockerel and 5 pullets? Could I be that lucky??

    Yes- #6 is questionable to me too!! No saddle or pointed feathers though-- would those be in yet? 5 wasn't on my radar - ill have to take another look tomorrow! Thanks for the help so far!!
  8. kellykate

    6 weeks-- 1 cockerel and 5 pullets? Could I be that lucky??

    These 6 chicks were hatched by 2 of my hens but the eggs came from a friends farm. They are barnyard mixes from an EE Roo, a Silkie Roo and a leghorn Roo and a bunch RIR, EE, Silkie and rock hens. Basically they are mutts!! The obvious cockerel #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 questionable!! Awfully...
  9. kellykate

    Welsh harlequin duckling injury

  10. kellykate

    Welsh harlequin duckling injury

    Rainy day today and when I got out to the run our 2 week old WH had this injury :( It isn't bleeding but is raw and red. Any ideas on what happened and how I can help her? Eating and drinking just fine--walking around with the others ok
  11. kellykate

    How many chickens in this coop/run?

    I have an 8x6 coop and a 15x15 run. How many chickens would you think would comfortably fit in here and stay warm in the winter. I have 16 chicks right now (5 bantams and 11 standards) but have a feeling I need to sell a few as they are getting bigger but I want them to stay warm this winter. As...
  12. kellykate

    White, Buff or Blue silkie chick?

    ooo Splash --hadn't thought of that! What age can you tell on Silkies?
  13. kellykate

    White, Buff or Blue silkie chick?

    What color is this little one?
  14. kellykate

    RIR, or Sussex or something else? Help

    Ahahaha! Stop by ChickenPeep will talk chicken and eat the snacks! Thanks everyone!
  15. kellykate

    Help me figure out this chick--pretty pleeeease!

    Legs now are a grey/purple almost lavender. Tried to get 2 more pics -- but nothing is really getting quite the right shade![/IMG][/IMG]
  16. kellykate

    Help me figure out this chick--pretty pleeeease!

    Well that's the 2nd EE in this batch I have misidentified! I thought it was a Speckled Sussex-- the lack of cheeks and pinkish legs threw me off! :)
  17. kellykate

    Help me figure out this chick--pretty pleeeease!

    She is a little over a week old and I am stumped! One of my favs so I'll keep her no matter what but just don't know what she is! I tried to get pictures of wings, comb feet etc. Thanks so much for your help!
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