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  1. Chadworks1

    I hate Hawks!!!!

    Add me to your list of "hawk haters". I lost a 6 week old chick to one on Monday. The chicks were in an enclosed run (2" x 4" welded wire) and I left them unattended for less than 40 minutes to make a run to the grocery store. When I pulled in the driveway, I saw the hawk fly overhead at a...
  2. Chadworks1

    Chicken nipples rule!!!

    My RIR chicks are 3 weeks old today and got to try out their new watering system (got the idea from BYC, of course). Two hours and they had the chicken nipples figured out!!! Has anybody had issues with mildew/slime in a system using the chicken nipples? If so, any suggestions on how to...
  3. Chadworks1

    Hello from Texas!

    I am worried about the ventilation as well. It could get plenty of updraft from the entryway in the floor but not sure if I have enough high point ventilation to get the air moving through. The corrugated tin provides some openings on the two ends where it lays across the fascia boards but I'm...
  4. Chadworks1

    Hello from Texas!

    Howdy, from Southeast Texas! Let me start by saying that this website is "the bomb"! The information for newbies getting into the chicken raising world is unbelievable. We are new to raising chickens and have 14 ten day old Rhode Island Red chicks growing up in a brooder in the garage. I've...
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