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  1. Avalongirl83

    Chick can’t stand, legs straight out in front

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Amerucana, 8 hours, first one to hatch 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Can’t stand. Flapping around. Legs stay out in front, not splayed to the side. 3) How long has the bird been...
  2. Avalongirl83

    Baby chick severe illness-- less than a week old.

    I had a chance to speak to the farmer that ships the chicks to our Tractor Supply. His opinion was that the extremely cold weather at the time of shipping had caused the baby chick to become chilled and contribute to the problem. Maybe he is right but I have 5 babies with no issues and one...
  3. Avalongirl83

    Coop size question

    Hey guys, I am a advanced beginner (such a thing?) with chickens. Currently, I have 3 full grown hens (1 Austleorp and 2 RI Reds) in a coop that is about 3 feet by 3 feet square with a 3 foot by 1 foot nest box attachment. I am adding 5 sexlinks to the mix in about 3 months and am looking for a...
  4. Avalongirl83

    Paw hut extra large coop

    Hey Beth. I'm in southern md too and was looking at the same coop. I have three hens already and 5 more chicks that will have to go out in a few months. Her is what you should know, if you plan to put *any* food inside, the local squirrels will destroy that wood. I have a coop with a similar run...
  5. Avalongirl83

    3 1/2 week old chick with bloody rear

    We will keep your little chickie in our thoughts. Fingers crossed that did the trick.
  6. Avalongirl83

    Mother hen dead, Chicks still surviving. What precautions to take? Please Help!

    Well, I've heard great things about India but you are right, not the issue at hand. Its hard not to love these sweet little fuzzies and BYC has helped me recently heal one of my little chickies from what I thought was sure death. Are you able to get your hands on any type of poultry vitamins...
  7. Avalongirl83

    Wobbley Chick

    That's a tough one! Maybe she just isn't thriving as fully as the others. That can happen sometimes. I'd say get Save a Chick or Nutri-Drench to add to their water and give her a little boost. Other than that, I've got nothing. Since she only does it on the pine and you don't have her in a wire...
  8. Avalongirl83

    Mother hen dead, Chicks still surviving. What precautions to take? Please Help!

    Quote: Yeah, I guess it would have helped if I had looked at where you were from. Sorry about that. :-/
  9. Avalongirl83

    Injured or sick Red Star?

    Haha, I think ANYTHING sounds better than botulism!! Good luck and tell us what you find. There are also some videos online that show normal actions of a chicken with wry neck.
  10. Avalongirl83

    Hen losing weight rapidly

    Honestly, It sounds like you are doing all you can. The moult can be extreemly hard on chickens and the new feathers growing in can be painful resulting in lack of appetite and extreme weight loss. I hope your girl pulls through.
  11. Avalongirl83

    Wobbley Chick

    That is strange and could be the onset of an illness or simply the result of an injury. Keep a close eye for any more developing symptoms. Does she only have troubles walking on the shavings? Do you have a wire cage with shavings or is it a flat bottom with shavings? Does the chick peep loudly...
  12. Avalongirl83

    3 1/2 week old chick with bloody rear

    At the farm supply store you can find a few things, "Save a Chick" or Nutri-Drench for poultry. It will give you directions on how to add it to the water. Some people also use liquid infant vitamins without iron (the kind intended for humans), but I am not sure about what the best dosage would...
  13. Avalongirl83

    Mother hen dead, Chicks still surviving. What precautions to take? Please Help!

    Poor thing, that really sucks. I would definately keep trying to find the cause of the initial deaths. Post as many symptoms for each bird here as you can and maybe I or another BYC member can help you ID the cause. I know that on many of the forums a strong recommendation is to send a bird away...
  14. Avalongirl83

    Mother hen dead, Chicks still surviving. What precautions to take? Please Help!

    Keep a close eye on them and give them some extra vitamins in their water to help give their immune system a boost. Unfortunately, you won't know for a while whether the chicks will come down with whatever the mama has. How old are the chicks?
  15. Avalongirl83

    Injured or sick Red Star?

    Have you looked into wry neck? Kind of sounds like it could be. If so, it may be able to be corrected with vitamins.
  16. Avalongirl83

    Help! Is this a prolapsed oviduct?

    I have to say, that is by far the weirdest chicken thing I have ever seen!!
  17. Avalongirl83

    3 1/2 week old chick with bloody rear

    Looks like a prolapsed vent. Is this little chickie isolated? If not, the blood could be from others pecking at her. Regardless, she should be cleaned up and isolated ASAP. Keep her warm and hydrated and make sure to add some vitamins to the water. The stress will take a toll on her and vitamins...
  18. Avalongirl83

    Baby chick severe illness-- less than a week old.

    Quote: I am really sorry to hear this. You did all you could. The first symptom I noticed was loud, constant chirping. If you hear this, beware. Better luck with the others.
  19. Avalongirl83

    Baby chick severe illness-- less than a week old.

    Great news!! My baby chick is doing so much better. She is now standing on her own, walking and drinking. She still walks in circles when she walks and keeps her head bent slightly. Sometimes she loses her balance and catches herself with her wing. Her rattling sound when she breathes has ceased...
  20. Avalongirl83

    Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

    Great news!! My baby chick is doing so much better. She is now standing on her own, walking and drinking. She still walks in circles when she walks and keeps her head bent slightly. Sometimes she loses her balance and catches herself with her wing. Her rattling sound when she breathes has ceased...
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