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  1. suzanbanan

    Exactly how do you dust a chicken for lice?

    I also bought permithrin to spray their coop. How long should I wait until I let them "go back home"? I have bantams, and 3 banty chicks. I'm tempted to put a little dust on the chicks however. poor things are so infested with mites/lice. I've already had 3 die this week, and trying to save...
  2. suzanbanan

    *CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

    ~~thanks for your vote of "hang-in-there", sewandgrow :) I had my first chick hatch yesterday! I'm so excited and my second one hatched this morning and one more on the way, I think :) the chicks are being hatched naturally with their mamas. it's interesting, though. one hen was laying on all 10...
  3. suzanbanan

    *CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

    hi there, its my first experience with bantams nesting. it's already day 22 and nothing has happened. I count day 1 on march 5, and yesterday day 21. I candled them yesterday and I see the airsacs, at the top, but the rest is all black and I don't see any movement in the black part...even...
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