*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

~~thanks for your vote of "hang-in-there", sewandgrow :) I had my first chick hatch yesterday! I'm so excited and my second one hatched this morning and one more on the way, I think :) the chicks are being hatched naturally with their mamas. it's interesting, though. one hen was laying on all 10 eggs (which so happened to be the hen at the top of the pecking order), and then shared her own 5 eggs with the other lower pecking order hen, and so now they both have a chick each. they are bantam Malaysian serrama chickens...don't know if that makes a diff.
This is my daily comparison thread.... I am on day 14 and day 21 seems so far away!!! Your pictures keep reminding me that they are just not all the way ready yet even though I am! haha Thank you for your awesome pictures! This was an amazing project, I am glad you took the time to do this! :)
This didn't help me that much do you have anything else
what did the guy on the first page use to candle. it mustve been a really bright light to see the body shape on day 14.
I use an led flash light with 125 lumins, which makes it possible to easily see the embryo movements regardless of how dark the egg shell might be. Target has several styles & sizes for a reasonable price.
Any experts here ?
Just candled our eggs and a thew are almost completely black ,the othersyou could see a good thew vains in fairly big gaps ,we saw no movement are they alive ?
We are on day 13 and have 5 eggs

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