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  1. CountryFlock

    Mille Fleur Old English Game Bantam

    Hi, does anyone have Mille fluer old English game bantams? I’d love to see them!
  2. CountryFlock

    ISO Pyncheon Bantam Breeder(s)

    I have a porcelain Pyncheon. Probably last of the existence of this color. I need a regular Pyncheon roo to keep the existence alive!
  3. CountryFlock

    Barbu de Watermael Chickens

    Also I meant three point comb. But I believe the color is Lavender Quail. I wish someone would import watermaals. I’ve seen one that was silver laced before online too! Lacing as sharp as a show quality sebright. I’ll try to find it.
  4. CountryFlock

    Barbu de Watermael Chickens

    I have project watermaels in the states. One of them is actually not that bad (standard wise) Crest muffs and 3 point crest.
  5. CountryFlock

    Barbu de Watermael Chickens

    It’s not red pyle. Neston poultry in the uk sells them. It’s lacking the dark red patch in red Pyle roos. they used to display the coloration on their website. “Citron” is what I remember it seems
  6. CountryFlock

    Help with Breed Identities!

    The feathers on #7 are white
  7. CountryFlock

    Help with Breed Identities!

    #7 Not sure #13 Gold Brahma (Laced?) #12 Easter Egger #1 White Rock or Leghorn? #11 and #16 Dominiques #15 Cuckoo Maran make sure they are dry enough
  8. CountryFlock

    Cuckoo Marans?

    Oh okay. I’m not that familiar with the ins and outs of maran standards. I’d say the brown is dirt. I had a nice feathered barred rock end up looking like that due to dirtiness overtime.
  9. CountryFlock

    What Breed and Sex

    All mixed barnyard. I’d have to leave it to someone else for sexes.
  10. CountryFlock

    Cuckoo Marans?

    Possibly mixed or barred rock. what color eggs? She also lacks leg feathering
  11. CountryFlock

    What’s the difference between all of these breeds?

    If you want to choose a breed that’s docile and friendly go with Orpingtons. A lot of people want those breeds for colored eggs until those colored eggs don’t seem too special to them anymore. Those breeds listed above can be pretty skittish at times. Of course it’s almost always situational...
  12. CountryFlock

    French Copper Maran or Black Sex Link?

    Those darker eggs would be from the black sex link while the red sex link lays the lighter ones. It is a black sex link laying those darker ones.
  13. CountryFlock

    French Copper Maran or Black Sex Link?

    They lay dark eggs. Marans lay darker. Post a picture of the eggs. That is not a maran, but a black sex link.
  14. CountryFlock

    looking for a breed similar to this pic

    That’s a Salmon Bantam Wyandotte.
  15. CountryFlock

    I messed up

    You would have to have each breed separate tho
  16. CountryFlock

    Cuckoo what?

    2 Bad Quality Cuckoo Orpington cockerels
  17. CountryFlock

    I'm confused

    I don’t know if you were able to zoom in or not but here’s a zoom in. Hopefully op can post a pic of the comb.
  18. CountryFlock

    I'm confused

    Not a straight comb? That’s definitely a straight comb.
  19. CountryFlock

    I'm confused

    Yup, a cockerel.
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