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  1. Massey

    Are Indian runner drakes good eating??

    I have a few surplus Indian runner drakes and was wondering if it was worth itto fatten them up to eat,
  2. Massey

    Quail Pens/Housing

    really i never knew that, must look in to them more before building my coop,
  3. Massey

    Quail Pens/Housing

    Why are all the pens so small, they all look like commercial battery hens,
  4. Massey

    Mealworm farming

    Hi all, I started a mealworm farm about 3 weeks ago, set up 3 containers with about 100-200 mealworms in each, they have started turning into beetles the last couple of days, i have been separating out the beetles to a new container, my plan was in the bottom of the beetle container i was...
  5. Massey

    Sexually mature

    At what age do geese become sexually mature and are able to breed, both female and male and if it differs by breed I'm most interested in pomeranian geese, Thanks all
  6. Massey

    Electric Hen v Heat Bulb

    Hi all, I have heard people swear by the electric hen versus the light bulb for chickens for many reason, - Running costs - Fire safety - Stronger chicks and many more, But I have also heard that the heat bulb is better for water fowl, what are people's experiences here with waterfowl and...
  7. Massey

    Comparing Incubators

    Hi, Got it yesterday, going to have a little play around with it today and then hopefully set eggs in it tomorrow, just want to make sure I'm happy with the temp and humidity and i'lll give it a good clean first,
  8. Massey

    Comparing Incubators

    Thanks very much for your help, Looks like i'll go the Brinsea then,
  9. Massey

    Comparing Incubators

    Not sure if this is even worth putting in here as I'm not sure if these makes of incubators are available in the US but sure no harm in asking, Hi all, quick question for those in the know, a Covatutto 54 automatic egg incubator for 140 euro or a Brinsea octagon 20 Eco incubator with...
  10. Massey

    my very own micro farm

    Not really if your referring to my comment, I was replying to something a few pages back and it was well off topic, ;-)
  11. Massey

    Do I shut my incubator off once chickens hatch?

    Not going to quote it all, just want to say, that's a great post and has cleared up a lot for me, I'm planning on hatching my first chicks this summer.....
  12. Massey

    my very own micro farm

    Wasn't sure how to delete my post so this edit will have to do,
  13. Massey

    Strange Egg,

    Yeah they are new enough layer, and yeh i knew that about the grit, its great what you write after a night shift, ;-) they get plenty of oyster shell too ;-D
  14. Massey

    Strange Egg,

    The shell was very soft (they get grit all the time) and the inside looked like this, any ideas...
  15. Massey

    Are these eggs fertile,

    Title says it all really....
  16. Massey

    my very own micro farm

    I'll put up my photos later, right now i have 8 ducks, well 7 ducks and a drake, and 12 chickens. The ducks are 1 aylisbury, 1 khaki Campbell, (use to have 2 of each until a fox visited), 1 pekin, 1 chiltren, 2 Indian runners and 1 indian runner drake, the chickens are 8 hybrids, 2 pure breeds...
  17. Massey

    my very own micro farm

    Loving this thread, you get so much work done its amazing, going to subscribe now so I can follow your progress, you really put me to shame with the about you pack in, you've similar life set up to as in wife (in my case 2be very soon) and a daughter and a full time job yet I don't get half...
  18. Massey

    How To Solve Hen In Diaper Problem?

    why are they in the house?
  19. Massey

    So Quail.......

    I currently have Ducks and chickens, and i'm thinking about getting quail, (will keep separate to chickens and ducks), but i suppose my main question right now is whats the different types of breeds people here are keeping and why did you choose that breed? if it makes a different i'm living in...
  20. Massey

    Help - Bald, overbred quail

    Could you move the 2 picked on hens to your other flock,
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