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  1. Peep and Squash

    Is it legal to kill a cat if...

    Hi, I posted a few days back about my other of two roosters that was killed by what at the time I perceived to be a possum, but I'm not so sure anymore. I came home this past Monday to find the gruesome scene of my other rooster, Squash, his cold lifeless body frozen to the ground and the extent...
  2. Peep and Squash

    A Roosters' life...(Long Story)

    I am posting this in this forum in here more to get more people to read this story because even though this forum is disease, it is the most viewed forum of them all, so I am sorry if this is wrong, but i joined this 2 years ago after my 1st of 2 roosters died, So all I ask is that you read my...
  3. Peep and Squash

    my heart is beating out of my chest, although im probably over exaggerating

    so, just a few minutes ago (9:45 PM, 2/24/15) i went outside to lock up my chicken in his coop. my dog always goes out to go to the bathroom as well. i went over to his house and i pounded on it, to let him know i was there and said "goodnight, Squash", so i was looking for the latch on the...
  4. Peep and Squash

    Peep, my best friend rooster, passed away saturday night.

    I always knew this day would come. I just never thought today would be the day. 5 years ago i would have never been able to imagine life owning chickens. Now, i don't know what I'm going to do with just one. 4 years ago, we were given chickens by our neighbors to butcher and eat. I didn't want...
  5. Peep and Squash

    I joined this in loving memory of my best friend chicken, Peep Scratch Lee

    as u may have read in my last thread, my best friend peep died of an unknown cause that i would like to know but i also never knew what kind f chicken he was, pleases someone help me. peep is on the right and squash on the left, please if anything besides known cause of death to my sweet loving...
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