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  1. Cheesay

    Will a new mother hen take in 3-week-old chicks?

    Hi, I was totally unprepared for chicks. A hen hid a nest on me and hatched out 7 babies. Another hen went broody, so I decided to let her sit. Unfortunately, the hen that hatched the 7 babies has disappeared. Last time she disappeared, she was just broody and hid, but since she was still...
  2. Cheesay

    Rotten egg smell with fully developed chick inside.

    Nobody was sitting on the clutch of eggs I found. The broody hen has been sitting at least 2 weeks on hers. Probably a little more than 2 weeks. I keep thinking babies should be hatching soon, but she hasn't been the best as she'll forget where she's been sitting after getting up and sometimes...
  3. Cheesay

    Rotten egg smell with fully developed chick inside.

    I just candled them. I've never done it before and just looked up how to do it. I candled a freshly laid egg first so I knew what that looked like. Most of the eggs in the clutch were solid...light wouldn't pass through anywhere. A few had a little air pocket where light went through with the...
  4. Cheesay

    Rotten egg smell with fully developed chick inside.

    Hi all. I found a nest of eggs that the chickens have been hiding from me. I collected the eggs and broke a few of them open just to see how old they were. One had a fully developed chick inside, but it smelled like rotten eggs when cracked open. The chick was dead. Is this a normal smell for...
  5. Cheesay

    Will a broody hen stop being broody if the eggs don't hatch?

    I have a broody hen that has been laying on a clutch of eggs for about 3 weeks now. The eggs should be fertile and will hatch as another hen hatched some earlier. The problem is this hen is just a bit dim. When she returns from eating to continue sitting, she can never remember which box she was...
  6. Cheesay

    How Long Until My Chickens Die and Are Some Immune?

    Long story short, I was sold a sick chicken. I bought 3 from the same guy and one was constantly sneezing and having a hard time catching her breath. And, in an even longer story, I could not keep her separate from my 3 other birds, and now 2 others are sick. Reading up on chicken...
  7. Cheesay

    How can I help my rooster?

    Thank you. I have been trying to find another home for the other rooster for a while now. They have gotten along fine, but the roster that was beat up started chasing the other rooster away from the hens a few months ago. Nothing worse than that. I'm shocked this roo was so beat up. He was...
  8. Cheesay

    How can I help my rooster?

    Hello, I came home today to find my rooster bloody and swollen. It's all head injuries from what I can tell. I don't know what happened. He was free ranging with some hens and another rooster. He was top rooster too. Other roo and hens don't have blood on them. I'm not sure what all I can do. I...
  9. Cheesay

    Why are my hens laying now?!

    Thank you! I did not know that. I don't like them laying through winter because in years past, the timing was just off when it came to me getting the eggs. I work, so in the morning when I'd go to get the eggs, they hadn't laid them yet. By the time I got home, the eggs were frozen. It's not so...
  10. Cheesay

    Why are my hens laying now?!

    Hi all, I bought some barnyard mixed pullets over the summer. They weren't quite old enough to lay all summer, but just barely started early November. I decided not to put a light in the coop, and just let the hens "rest" for the winter. Plus, I just don't like picking up eggs when it's this...
  11. Cheesay

    Do Hens and Roosters Mature At The Same Rate?

    Thank you all very much! He's just so much smaller than the other 2 roosters, I just wasn't sure. I had a hen in my last batch that looked kind of "manly" so I just wasn't 100% on this one. Unfortunately, that means I have too many roosters for my poor hens.
  12. Cheesay

    Do Hens and Roosters Mature At The Same Rate?

    The two white ones are roosters, at least I'm pretty sure. Pretty sure the 2 brown ones are hens. The black spotted one is my mystery. It is the same size as the hens, but just seems to have a bit more flare to it's back feathers and bigger waddles. The 2 roosters will occasionally size each...
  13. Cheesay

    Do Hens and Roosters Mature At The Same Rate?

    Don't know how old exactly. Was told under a year, which I believe as they have grown quite a bit since having them. I've had them a month. They seem fully grown. I did see pappa rooster when I picked them up. He was quite large with the biggest waddles you've ever seen. The roosters aren't...
  14. Cheesay

    Do Hens and Roosters Mature At The Same Rate?

    Hello, I have a barnyard mix of chickens that are all under a year old. I know for sure I have 2 roosters and 2 hens. The other is still a mystery. They seem like full sized birds now, but there are no eggs being produced. I heard the roosters crow for the first time the other day and saw one...
  15. Cheesay

    Best guard bird for chickens?

    Hi all, I'm thinking about getting a guard bird or two for my hens. Everything was going great. I decided to let the girls out earlier than normal to forage. I was home the whole day, but something managed to get all 3 without any trace. I don't want chickens if I'm just going to keep them...
  16. Cheesay

    Help identifying these 2 hens.

    Hi all. Was wondering if someone could help me with breed identification on 2 hens got months ago. Is the brown an ISA? I have no clue what the black one is. I named her Noisy for obvious reasons.
  17. Cheesay

    Will Chickens Use A Dog Flap?

    Thanks for the input. I may just try the flap now. I will still close the door at night or on really cold days. While we're talking about the coop, I found some older pictures of it. I was under the impression that the coop did not need to be that big if the chickens had a nice sized run to...
  18. Cheesay

    Will Chickens Use A Dog Flap?

    Sorry for lacking in details. The roof lifts up. I have it propped up an inch for ventilation. There is a wooden ledge that hangs over the gap to keep the wind out. The nesting boxes are on the outside, so the square footage I quoted is for them to move around or roost. Should take photos as...
  19. Cheesay

    Will Chickens Use A Dog Flap?

    Hello, This is my first year raising chickens, and my first year having them over the winter. I converted a wooden dog house into a chicken coop. Their water access is always outside the coop as there really isn't any room for it inside. Plus, I just don't want any water in there to keep it...
  20. Cheesay

    Chickens won't drink from cups.

    Hi all. I have some barred rocks that just started laying. I bought them at a swap, so I'm not sure how they were given water. At first, I just had a bowl in their run, but they kept filling it with grass or tipping it over. So I bought these chicken water cup thingys. I still have some...
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