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  1. dthompson

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    I find that when I don't clean it daily, the poop breaks down like this. I use a cat scoop - it doesn't get all of it, but pretty good. I am better at getting out to clean the poop board better in the winter - worrying about humidity levels and all.
  2. dthompson

    My Blue Orpington is a Cochin? Or not?

    why could a blue buff top not mate with a Cochin to get the feathered legs?
  3. dthompson

    2-3 week old chicks heat lamp with high temps?

    I have a hen that is really loosing interest in being 'cooped up' with her one and only chick. She wants to join the flock, but my run is not built for a small chick and she is not a very protective mother. The chick is in its 3rd week now. It has not feathered out much, not sure why... but...
  4. dthompson

    1 Chick survived the hatching...

    I had 9 eggs, 3 hatched, only 1 survived. It has a Mama hen tending to her. But the chick seems lonely compared to other flocks I have raised. It hardly chirps and is not as active and playing around. I am in search of baby chicks, but not 100% sure the mama hen will accept new ones this far...
  5. dthompson

    Are there any breeders or hatcheries in VA?

    I checked you out online... sent you an email too this morning. You sell in larger quantities than I need, not sure my hen will take care of more than 5 or 6 more. She has 1, that is 5 days old and seems very lonely compared to other chicks I have raised.
  6. dthompson

    Are there any breeders or hatcheries in VA?

    I am in need of a few chicks, near Fredericksburg, VA. I have only one that survived my last brood and it really seems lonely. Would like to add a few more to her brood. it is 5 days old. know of any local breeders willing to sell a few chicks?
  7. dthompson

    help sexing leghorns ( pullets)

    looks.female...I.have 3 WLHhens.. I thought me might be a too bc the comb was huge and red compared to the others...glad we kept her
  8. dthompson

    Anyone use SAND in the run/coop

    I too have read what seems to be all the pros and cons, including this site. We have used all purpose, and have no problems. I feel as long as you don't use fine play sand u will be fine as chicks need small rocks.
  9. dthompson

    Anyone use SAND in the run/coop

    Cloth may not work...chickens dig at my cloth in my beds.
  10. dthompson

    Anyone else have bare bottom hens?

    I came.across this reading tonight..might help some
  11. dthompson

    Anyone else have bare bottom hens?

    What do you "dust" with that is safe?
  12. dthompson

    Anyone else have bare bottom hens?

    Baymen Moe - We are neighbors - we're in Plymouth! Where did you get your chick block? Our local Agway doesn't carry it. I would like to try that. I agree about the roaming. They love, love, love to go out and will get IRATE with me if i come and see them and don't let them out. They are very...
  13. dthompson

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    I noticed the plastic on your run - did the chickens peck at it? I had to just take mine down... girls would not leave it alone.
  14. dthompson

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    I use mixture of Sand and PDZ (helps absorb Ammonia smell)... I use a kitty litter scoop and just scoop the poop out in the mornings... keeps smell down and as the time goes on the sand/pdz mixture decreases as it sticks to the poop. Not a big deal, just replace as needed and if you notice a...
  15. dthompson

    Good treats for baby chicks?

    yes - just don't give too much. Watermelon is a favorite :)
  16. dthompson

    My chickens are eating feathers! Yikes!

    Thank you. On my next purchase I will change. I do provide oyster shell on the side already.
  17. dthompson

    My chickens are eating feathers! Yikes!

    So I finally got back to this. They are on 16% protein, layer pellets. I have been giving them sunflower seeds in the AM with their whole corn ration. I put blue-kote on the raw spots of birds that have been pecked... it has helped those birds. I have a few birds that areas of their bum pare...
  18. dthompson

    My chickens are eating feathers! Yikes!

    I will have to check in the morning... as for the protein treats, I cook up eggs, give them meat...basically our left overs. I did read today that sunflower seeds are good... so I will toss those in their run. I don't see plucking though... and they don't eat all the feathers... mostly the...
  19. dthompson

    My chickens are eating feathers! Yikes!

    I have read a few threads that this could be lack of protein. I have not noticed them bullying or plucking feathers... but when I clean their poop-boards in the morning some will come up and check out what I am doing. If there is a feather on the board, they will pick it up and eat it. I have...
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